Cb radio call sign database The scans above are broken down by call sign area (the number in the call sign). [20] Call signs in Canada are official identifiers issued to the country's radio and television stations. Hamfests and Conventions; Videos Aug 13, 2014 · Lead Database Admin. Amateur Radio Callsign Database. Anybody know of a This is where you can search for more than 838,000 United States and 55,000 Canadian ham radio Call Signs and related information. Google Sites Aug 16, 2015 · The CB band was a ham band prior to 1958, and it was not unusual to find people using ham gear on the band, since when CB started such gear was more available and common than purpose built CBs. Also some old electronics magazines listed all the new CB calls when they came out. Hamfests and Conventions; Videos Feb 2, 2023 · The operation of a CB radio is centered on the radio antenna because the antenna sends and receives the signal being sent by your CB radio unit. Examples of Types of CB Radio Handles. Dec 19, 2020 #156 Nov 23, 2013 · To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software: Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. Join today and claim your own unique World Famous CT Call-sign I’m a ham radio operator, and I’ve been listening to 27 MHz skip at times. QSL: P. Where to Start Call sign - allows you to search for active ham radio call signs. For example, a UK based member of the United Kingdom club might be 26 UK 01 and on holiday in France would sign as 14/26UK01. Dec 7, 2024 · PJ4CB Bonaire. ISS. a. If they're consistently using 3-number call signs all the time and with every transmission, they may be trucker/industrial traffic near you that are using their vehicle/ID number. If you wished to use one, you'd use your first and last initials, followed by the zip code of your residence (for example, if your name was John Smith and you lived in Bethel, Delaware, you'd use "JS19931", if your name was Tim Timothy and you hailed from QRZCQ is a comprehensive database for ham radio enthusiasts to find and update call sign information. North Carolina Amateur Radio Frequencies. Complete database for United States and Canadian ham radio Call Signs. Enjoy and Good DX Hunting! Dec 17, 2024 · A cornerstone of this industry’s unique language is the CB 10 codes, first developed in the 1940s and later standardized in 1955. " It is the story of how two ships collided in sheltered Canadian waters, leaving more than a thousand dead. You weren't issued a call sign by the FCC. Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. I remember swapping out crystals for different channels. Call sign - allows you to search for active ham radio call signs. [12] Special event call signs are issued with a 'GB' prefix, but others like GQ, GO, GR, MQ, GA, MO, and 2O have been issued in special cases. Thanks. For a research project, I'm wondering whether anyone has an old microfiche set of the CB license database — I'd like to look up some old callsigns. It may be used by holders of FCC-issued broadcast radio or television construction permits or licenses. This website has the most comprehensive info on the vanity callsign process that I have found online. They issue callsigns for people who want to DX, so we can have a tidy log cluster, that isn't filled with nicknames. Base CB Antennas ; Discover what ham radio call signs are available in the UK. DX Resources/Callsigns; The title of the main category is Callsigns and it deals mainly with Callsign searching and amateur radio call-signs. It should be noted that there are valid call signs that will not show up here simply because they have never been held by anyone since the FCC began keeping track of call signs online. Eventually the requirement was lifted, mainly because there was no way to enforce it in the face of the bazillions of CBers who did not care to apply. All requests will be deleted and a forum infraction issued. You will need to have checked to see if it is available. Welcome to Essex Ham's Callsign Lookup Tool - This lets you check that a UK callsign is valid, and also lets you check an amateur's QRZ data, waiting eQSL cards, location and last cluster spots Enter a UK Callsign: Check databases: Nov 30, 2005 · 11 meter CB was NOT supposed to be a "hobby"Ham radio is not a PROFESSIONAL service (though there are pros who are hamsjust as there are amateur professionals ) Class D CB (it's original name) was created to allow personal communications between family and non family members and small businesses who could not afford the larger and more expensive commercial land mobile gear at the time. Thus, handles caught on to protect their anonymity, and using handles with CB radios continues to this day. Sep 11, 2023 · It's on 5 1/4" floppys ,if you have the time and want to put in the effort to take a trip to the Capitol to look up those old call signs. . Or Know what you want? Choose from the list of all call signs below. May 6, 2008 · Usually a station will belong to a radio club such as Alpha Tango and would use the AT letters followed by their membership number. But even when CB callsigns were required, and issued by the FCC, people also used “handles” to identify themselves. net membership is required to view all callsign details. This standard is the one first made popular by the spread of the Worldwide Sideband DX group called the "Alpha Tango" starting from Italy. He about had a fit when I installed DX Resources/Callsigns; The title of the main category is Callsigns and it deals mainly with Callsign searching and amateur radio call-signs. Nov 11, 2018 · Please Note: These are the lists of the call-signs issued by this group. Some CB call books can be found online, but they are mainly from the 1960s. History of Amateur Radio License Changes (1912-2006) by: Tom Hashem, KA1F Some are more familiar with this than others but I am wondering & asking about the old CB callsigns. The resource has been on our site since Monday Dec 12 2005, and it has been viewed 1553 times. Call signs actually originated before there was radio. g. More The Canadian Amateur Radio Call Sign Database listing is a dynamic display containing information such as name, call sign, levels of proficiency and address of holders of Amateur Radio Certificates as issued by Industry Canada as well as available call signs for the Amateur Radio Service. This is a tool to check call signs published by Ofcom (Ofcom is the UK’s communications regulator). Three young people on a road trip from Colorado to New Jersey talk to a trucker on their CB radio, then must escape when he turns out to be a psychopathic killer. com is a website for amateur radio enthusiasts to look up callsigns, access solar-terrestrial data, and read the latest news and articles about ham radio. Similarly the White Cliffs DX Group use WC (fnarr!). For example, VI was the call sign for the Vincennes, IN telegraph office. Sep 16, 2022 · Welcome to the FCC's Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System. VI or AX may be temporarily allocated for special events. 73s John, All radio call signs begin with a single-digit number indicating the state or territory, followed by two or three letters. In the 100+ history of amateur radio licensing, first, the Department of Commerce and now the Federal Communication Commission have issued amateur call signs. Please enter a call sign to search for. Search by call sign, NPSPAC region, frequency range, and more. Where do these call signs originate from? They are not ham radio related (like KMA1469 as an example) FCC license database doesn’t come up with anything. To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software: Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. Tip: If you are looking for a single application or license, we recommend you search using the file number or call sign. It may take up to 24 hours, but if you keep checking the thread you will eventually see your call. Jul 9, 2024 · Please use Callsign from England / no secondary identifier. We welcome all radio enthusiasts of all knowledge levels. Box 1383, Shady Cove Oregon, 97539 USA Email: Login required to view Page managed by WA7RAR Lookups: 225 Jan 13, 2018 · The phonetic alphabet assigns code words to the letters of the English alphabet (Alfa for A, Bravo for B, etc. Search Examples. Earn Watts. 1 day ago · You can search for specific call sign suffix characters by typing them in the field labeled "Suffix" and then clicking on the "Search" button. The radio antenna holds two basic functions: 1) It captures radio-frequency signals (radio waves) and converts them to electrical signals (the voices we hear on incoming transmissions). Call signs with the prefix VK0 or VK9, special event call signs and contest call signs are assigned for 12 months. Nov 23, 2013 · To anyone looking to acquire commercial radio programming software: Please do not make requests for copies of radio programming software which is sold (or was sold) by the manufacturer for any monetary value. Jan 24, 2017 · See HamCall's callsign divisions listed by location, by callsign prefix, or by US Zip code. These numbers changed after the war, so if you're not familiar with how they are arranged, it might be helpful to simply search all ten sections in the 1948 or 1972 book, or all nine sections in the 1938 or 1940 book. Australian amateur callsigns normally commence with VK followed by one digit then either two or three letters. I think it had space for 5 crystals. The HamCall database has been in production since 1989 and is still the largest callsign database in the world. Call Sign & Radio Services: Call Sign : Service Group Match all radio services within this group Match only the following radio service(s): Jun 6, 2021 · I recall it was a large and expensive dataset, some 450 fiche. Apr 22, 2020 · Callsign. Call signs in Mexico are unique identifiers for telecommunications, radio communication, radio broadcasting and transmission. The Certificate of Proficiency in Amateur Radio is accompanied by a call sign used to identify the station. +44(0)1908 281705. Amateur call signs date back to before the time when the Federal Government first began issuing amateur radio licenses and call signs at the end of 1912. Lookup: by Callsign. Mar 19, 2006 100 83 38. Nov 23, 2013 · Dad's License From what I remember, my dad's was KBX0073, don't know how I remember that after 35+ years. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Ofcom also allows numerals in special event call sign suffixes. I had a CB license from the FCC back in the early 70's when they were required. On the other hand, there are still several SSB CB radio clubs operating who use club name prefixed call numbers. s. Headquarters: Place des Nations 1211 Geneva 20 Switzerland Phone: +41 22 730 5111 Fax: +41 22 733 7256 Email: itumail[at]itu. wildchild455 Active Member. 01908 281705 Mar 22, 2010 · Their claim to have the ability or database to retrieve your old call signs are a lie. You can also choose Geosearch to find records by state CB Radio Frequency Chart. handle - skeeball - 1972. With Steve Zahn, Paul Walker, Leelee Sobieski, Jessica Bowman. One of those is TWRC, or The World Radio Club. More 3 days ago · World's leading amateur radio web site with news, technical articles, discussions, practice exams and more. Sample 1: 3KP000, this is [Your Call sign] QSY frequency [New frequency] QSL Sample 2: 3KP000, - [Your Call sign] Standing by on [New frequency] for possible OSQ callsign, amateur radio, ham radio, pictures, DX. sometimes I amaze myself ~ from RadioReference Your Account Database Wiki Broadcastify Live Audio Help / Contact North Carolina Amateur Radio Frequencies. lookup callsign histories applications available amateur extra callsigns vanity callsign predictions and more updated from fcc data several times a day . Road Ranger – Smokey Roger – O. DRM. Air In that case, CB operators really didn't want to use their own names or any type of official call sign. Aug 29, 2013 · Some CB sidebanders use a designation of World Wide. The resource has been on our site since Saturday May 29 2010, and it has been viewed 2455 times. For instance, there is John, a CB operator in South Carolina, who refers to himself as World Wide 142. This process only applies to callsigns that are registered online using RRF. Apr 5, 2005 · Old CB call signs My first CB call was KQX 2567. Hamfests and Conventions; Videos Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. This will display the amateur's contact information in a new page. Select a prefix and, if desired, the characters of the suffix. In most cases, two letters are used for AM stations and three for FM, but there are some exceptions, such as 5UV in Adelaide, which broadcasts on an FM frequency, and 3RPH in Melbourne, which broadcasts on an AM frequency. For lots of years now Cb Radio SSB operators and clubs have used a system of numbers to ascertain the operators country of origin. Call signs are allocated with different prefixes depending on Feb 27, 2023 · Where a vanity call sign for which the most recent recipient was granted pursuant to an exception to the two-year period, but the grantee was ineligible for the exception, is surrendered, cancelled, revoked or voided, the call sign is not assignable for 30 days following the date such action is taken, or for the period for which the call sign Aug 16, 2015 · As others have indicated, the FCC used to assign CB callsigns, but has not done that in more than 35 years. Search Term Use; An amateur radio club providing support, advice and community Here is the country list for cb radio sideband call signs. Each CB channel is 10 kHz. Then the last time I renewed it, Old Uncle Charlie changed it to KAAK 2806. NC Wiki. *Please be aware that some combinations of search criteria may result in a longer wait. Scanner Frequencies. Use DX Resources/Callsigns; The title of the main category is Callsigns and it deals mainly with Callsign searching and amateur radio call-signs. The call signs mirrored ham call signs except they all started with WPE and then the zone. No official callsign is required for CB operation today. HF was the call sign for the Chicago Dearborn Station telegraph office. QRZ has recently made available its oldest USA Callsign database from the March 1993 QRZ Ham Radio CDROM. May 3, 2021 · Ofcom release amateur radio callsign database In response to a Freedom of Information (FoI) request Ofcom have released the database of 147,877 Amateur Radio callsigns for the UK and Crown Dependencies for May 2021 The database can be useful for people wanting to apply for a specific call sign as it shows calls which are not available for issue. These radios went between channels and above / below the legal channels easily, no modification required. Source: Wikipedia. These CB radio codes were established to allow brevity and ease of messaging – a critical communication advantage for an industry facing the 1973 oil crisis. Nov 23, 2013 · CB Radio Call Signs CB Call Sign in 1970 was KDS 7559 "This is KDS Seven, Double-Nickel Nine" After the three year period the FCC allowed for the first call sign above; it changed to KAYD 6270 in late 1973; lost interest after that but had loads of fun. Search Scope: Matches licenses with the following radio service codes: HA, HV. Format : CALL-SIGN - NAME - USERNAME - LOCATION Nov 23, 2013 · Lic. I just got a letter back from the FCC stating that they no longer have the records of Citizens Band call signs from back when a license's were required, futhermore, they threatened me with having to pay for any other inquiries regarding the matter. And still the same design QSL-card after all those years. Feb 10, 2011 · The station with the call sign "3KP000" is making a general call, you wish to make a QSO with this station, you answer the call, here are two example answering the call, call. Channels There are 40 CB channels. If you do not know your FRN, search by call sign, or licensee name in ULS License Search. Please enter a name, city, state or ZIP code. Russian nuclear icebreaker Arktika with call sign UKTY. Nov 23, 2013 · Wonder it there is an FCC database listing all the old CB call signs, locations and names? That would sure bring back a lot of memories. (ie: WPE8___. Nov 23, 2013 · It was Christmas 1976 and my father bought 2 CB's, one for his car and the other as a base station for our home that was hooked up in my bedroom. ) CB Radio Frequency Chart. In the case of states such as Liberia or Panama, which are flags of convenience for ship registration, call signs for larger vessels consist of the national prefix plus three letters (for example, 3LXY, and sometimes followed by a number, e. Jan 21, 2025 · Callsign searching and amateur radio call-signs category is a curation of 54 web resources on , Old Amateur Radio Call Books Archive, LoTW resources by HB9BZA, TA Callbook. Available call signs matching the search criteria are displayed. They are regulated internationally by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as well as nationally by the Federal Telecommunications Institute , which regulates broadcast stations, wireless telecommunications russians ham on line lookup database search and create new callsign records the most full russian and cis callsign database more 50 000 cis records more than 1 400 000 international calls . The home of ALL things Radio - CB, 11m DX, Amateur, PMR446, PLD, Network and Data. This lead me to Ham radio and then I eneded up working for Raytheon as an Electronic engineer. The channel number and its frequency are: Apr 13, 2017 · An eligible person may operate a CB station in accordance with the rules regardless of age, and for personal or business use. Google Sites Apr 13, 2017 · An eligible person may operate a CB station in accordance with the rules regardless of age, and for personal or business use. Database Advanced Search; Current Hot Callsigns; XML Logbook Data; QSL ListMaker; DX Spotting Network; Ham Club Database; QSL Corner; Top Web Contacts; Expired Callsigns; Daily Update Reports; Just Added Callsigns; Random Callsign; News Amateur Radio News; General Announcements; Special Events, Contests, etc. at national radio data you can search for more than 838 000 united states and 55 000 canadian ham radio call signs and related information . Nov 23, 2013 · My CB Radio Call Sign KQG-1801 The Pennsylvania Prospector. KWI1284. Listed under the DX Resources/Callsigns category that is about Callsign search and QRZ rosters. For permanently assigned call signs, we will check every 5 years whether you still require your call sign/s. Part 95 Subpart D. Search Callsigns Feb 26, 2021 · On February 2, 2021, in response to a Freedom of Information request, Ofcom released a database of amateur radio callsigns for the UK and Crown Dependencies The database can be useful for people wanting to apply for a specific call sign as it shows calls which are not available for issue. Joined Sep 22, 2002 Messages cb handles and ssb club callsigns ,,, listen to the superbowl channel , 6 . int QRZ. CB Radio Frequency Chart. Remember All those old call signs were converted to "lifetime" including the Class A UHF CB call signswhich is now GMRS. I had a 12 Volt power supply from Radio Shack to power the home base. Most maritime radio licences are issued by the Coastguard (external link) and are not recorded in the RRF. Nov 12, 2016 · According to the FCC: "You are not required to transmit a station identification announcement. However, in North America, parts of South America, Australia, and several other countries, the Amateur Radio licensing Body has no interest in Australian Amateur Callsigns. A Marconi man emerged as one of many heroes. Nov 23, 2013 · Over the years, I kept renewing all of those CB licenses until the rules changed sometime in the 1970s or 80s when the requirement was dropped. HamCall DVD/USB/Download HamCall. APCO 10 codes Nov 24, 2024 · Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. AM vs. I was sad to lose my precious call signs, as the licenses somehow legitimized CB radio operations but by that time it was too late, the 27 mHz band was lawless and worthless for any practical use. Resources listed under Callsign category belongs to DX Resources main collection, and get reviewed and rated by amateur radio operators. HF Propagation Tools. If this is a club call sign then the club's information will also be displayed. Previous Call Sign - allows you to search for an individual ham radio operator by their previous call sign. He was in CB radio in the 1970's. The region in which the operator was licensed determines the numeral. Air. Whether this will eventually be accepted as proof by the FCC or the VEC's remains to be seen. Nov 29, 2024 · Database Advanced Search; Current Hot Callsigns; XML Logbook Data; QSL ListMaker; DX Spotting Network; Ham Club Database; QSL Corner; Top Web Contacts; Expired Callsigns; Daily Update Reports; Just Added Callsigns; Random Callsign; News Amateur Radio News; General Announcements; Special Events, Contests, etc. Running Shotgun – Driving partner Database Advanced Search; Current Hot Callsigns; XML Logbook Data; QSL ListMaker; DX Spotting Network; Ham Club Database; QSL Corner; Top Web Contacts; Expired Callsigns; Daily Update Reports; Just Added Callsigns; Random Callsign; News Amateur Radio News; General Announcements; Special Events, Contests, etc. 1: italy: 173: reunion island: 2: u. Results. Nice fellow. AE7Q's Amateur Radio Database Query Tools CB Radio Frequency Chart. It is an international callsign, if it had one more number at the end, it'd be a local callsign (Only for hungarian DX) Jan 12, 2008 · Hello All: Not sure if this is the right thread for this, but here goes. F. Thanks for your support! (Note: UK was last edited 5 or more years ago. Map showing the numeral codes for amateur radio call signs in the United States. Handheld CB Radio; CB Antennas. Listed under the DX Resources/Callsigns/Vanity Call Signs category that is about Special amateur radio call signs. Rule 3 Eligibility To Use CB You are authorized to operate a CB station unless: Apr 16, 2016 · Back in the late 70s or so, the FCC required a license for CB radio operators. Enter search criteria and click the "Search" button to retrieve matching call signs. Click Help for information about customizing fields and sorting search results. The resource has been on our site since Sunday Aug 18 2019, and it has been viewed 370 times. Merchant and naval vessels are assigned call signs by their national licensing authorities. The resource has been on our site since Thursday Aug 24 2006, and it has been viewed 2582 times. History of Amateur Radio License Changes (1912-2006) by: Tom Hashem, KA1F To view the details of a call sign, click on the call sign (hyperlink) in the search results. This tools Nov 13, 2017 · Once you see your new callsign online, you can fill out a vanity callsign request for your old callsign. S. VE1AB, VA3ABC, VO1ZZ or VY2ZZZ. O. Where to Start. See a map of the US ham population . I to have looked at length on the web for an archive of the old CB call's and have not found them. Nov 30, 2024 · Database Advanced Search; Current Hot Callsigns; XML Logbook Data; QSL ListMaker; DX Spotting Network; Ham Club Database; QSL Corner; Top Web Contacts; Expired Callsigns; Daily Update Reports; Just Added Callsigns; Random Callsign; News Amateur Radio News; General Announcements; Special Events, Contests, etc. New to call signs? Apply for a call sign in ACMA Assist. Long Bay Amateur Radio Club, VP9CB Street address available to members Mangrove Bay BERMUDA Welcome! A FREE or paid HamCall. R. I hear stations using call signs. VK0 -- Australian Antarctica, Heard Island, Macquarie Island VK1 -- Australian National Capital - Canberra VK2 --New South Wales VK3 --Victoria VK4 May 5, 2021 · To get a Charlie Tango call-sign, all you need to do, is start a thread in the 'New Members' section of the forum and formally request a call. SDR Map. At one time the magazine, for a small fee, issued a Shortwave listener's call sign which was very popular at the time. , Really not sure. Trevose, PA Started in 1964 with a Lafayette rig. The channel number and its frequency are: Ofcom reserves the right to issue temporary special event call signs to licensed amateurs holding a full licence. My callsign is 109HA750. I myself acquired one; the official application form was included in the package with every CB radio. Jul 23, 2017 · The prefix letters for each country are assigned by an international agreement. CT calls may be heard on air that do not appear in our lists, but this simply means that they haven't been allocated by us and are likely to be freelancers, or those allocated by the old German Charly Tango Group. The best CB radio handles tell a little bit about the owner, while also piquing others’ interest. United States amateur radio call signs consist of one or two letters, followed by a single digit, and closing with one to three more letters. Jul 31, 2023 · Explore granular search interfaces into more than 40 specialized FCC databases such as radio call signs and equipment authorization. Then work fo advance technologies research labs for CB Radio Frequency Chart. K. Service: Available call sign search Nov 23, 2013 · However, I do remember a lot of CB radios were featured on TV shows in the late 1970s and early 80s, such the Dukes of Hazard and once in a while CHiPs. We had a Shakespeare 'Big Stick' CB antenna on the roof wired with RG-8. if you need to look for an old amateur radio call sign you can have a look into the archive org amateur radio callbooks archive it contains over 100 copies of very old printed callbooks . Get A FREE SWL Call Sign! SWLQSL have partnered with SWARL: In most European and Asian countries of the world, the Amateur Radio licensing body will issue SWL Call signs for SWL Listeners. You are, however, encouraged to identify your CB communications by transmitting a previously assigned CB station call sign; a self-assigned call sign consisting of the letter “K” followed by your initials and residence zip code; your name; or an organizational description including name and any Search callsigns. Use this page to search for available (unassigned) call signs. More Page updated. Reply. W. ) so that critical combinations of letters (and numbers) can be pronounced and understood by those who transmit and receive voice messages by radio or telephone regardless of their native language, especially when the safety of navigation or persons is essential. Login is required for additional detail. For those unfamiliar, once the Citizen's Band of 11-Meters was taken away from the Ham Radio community, it still kept some of the practices and Call Sign Directory - Welcome to the Charlie Tango DX Group. Before the renewal came up again they dropped it all together. Just make some shit up that you like to use. Hamfests and Conventions; Videos Dec 4, 2024 · 8P9CB Barbados. , Anyways CB radio is where I got my start in Radio. during skip ,,, some of the gear Nov 30, 2005 · KBRG8315 was my cb radio call sign . Nov 1, 2022 · You'd have to remember what it was on your own. This tools Nov 23, 2013 · In The Netherlands we don't have an official cb-radio callsign, but only a self created skipname. Amateur Radio Call Sign Lookups from University of Arkansas at Little Rock (Mirrors FCC Database) An Overview of Amateur Call Signs Past and Present By: Phil Sager WB4FDT and Rick Palm K1CE, QST, May 1994. This collection contains the issue dates of many callsigns that go back into the mid 1980's and may be use to those who are searching. Here, in Hungary, we have two DX clubs, Hotel Alfa and Charlie Bravo. It returns any records matching the query as well as any available call signs matching the query. Each red dot represents one or more hams with a street address in the FCC database. Advanced Database Search. The FCC service rules for the Citizens Band (CB) Service are located in 47 C. There is no requirement for a callsign on CB, even in au. The letters assigned to the USA are W A N and K,and the call sign must start with one of those 4 although other letters and a number are used for the complete call sign. Since the early 70's i am cb radio station Papa Alpha from the Netherlands, operator Harry. Roller Skate – A car Rolling Ranch – Cattle truck Rubberneckers – lookers. From 19 February 2024, expiry dates for contest call signs on the AMC’s contest call sign list were extended by 12 months. Service: Amateur and club call sign search Amateur Radio Call Signs. As you are now aware when operating USB/DX it is normal practice to operate with a call sign as opposed to your handle or first name, for example, 108 Tango Mike 742 (108-TM-742) Your call sign consists of 3 parts: 1 = 108 2 = Tango Mike 3 = 742 Issue 47 of T&E reveals the radio operators behind the "Death of an Empress. 3LXY2). Telegraph offices along a telegraph line would be assigned one- or two-letter call signs by the railroad or telegraph company that owned them. More U. Canadian call signs normally have a national prefix consisting of two letters and a number, followed by a two- or three-letter suffix e. Use your browser's "Back" button to return to the search results. A Team used mostly VHF-LO somewhere in the 49mhz band, but the CB when talk from BA's van to Face's Corvett. Where the rules use the term "CB station", that means a radio station transmitting in the CB Radio Service. QRZCQ is a comprehensive database for ham radio enthusiasts to find and update call sign information. Aug 17, 2015 · Your Account Database Wiki Broadcastify Live Audio Help / Contact. net Gold Membership Buckmaster OCF Dipole Antennas Antenna Support Rope Line-Grips Harken Stainless Steel Pulleys RF Chokes CQ Magazine Archives World Prefix, WAS, and Great Circle Maps Custom Great Circle Maps HamCall Mousepads Custom Name Badges Amateur Radio Operator Certificates Antenna Wire Screw-on Cable Quick callsign lookup in the QRZ Manager-Database: The QRZ QSL database contains manager references to over 68,000 DX callsigns. The FCC Radio and Television Call Sign Reservation and Authorization System is available 24 hours-a-day, Monday through Sunday. If you wished to use one, you'd use your first and last initials, followed by the zip code of your residence (for example, if your name was John Smith and you lived in Bethel, Delaware, you'd use "JS19931", if your name was Tim Timothy and you hailed from We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. He had a Radio Shack 40-channel CB with RS antenna, and it use to be temporarily installed/used in whichever vehicle we took on our family vacations. We welcome all r Nov 14, 2024 · Yet another new expandable CB transceiver from Radioddity: CB-900 Pro: August 2024: A new 10/11/12/15 m transceiver from Radioddity: QT80: July 2024: Icom's new hand scanner; the IC-R15: June 2024: A new 10/11/12 m transceiver from President, the Washington (TXPR901) May 2024: A new SDR receiver from SDRPlay: RSPdx-R2: May 2024: May 27, 2014 · Rake the leaves – Last vehicle in a CB convoy Redneck radio – Someone who talks on the CB using only slang terms. Then Gary (the admin who oversees call-signs) will issue you with one. A step-by-step guide for all users to search for callsigns in the Register of Radio Frequencies (RRF). Running on rags – Driving a vehicle with little to no tread on the tires. I'd love to get a copy of that for nostalgia purposes, but can't find those anywhere on-line (including the FCC site). Reactions: Fremont Piglet. How are call signs assigned for CB radio? CB call signs The prefix letters for each country Oct 17, 2021 · I was just wondering if the is a CB data base, I was in CB back in 1963, my call was KBC7551 I know there is a ham call sign data base but I could not locate on for CB, back in the 60's you needed a licence to operate a CB radio, you also needed one to use a 100 mw walkie talkie back then. Call Sign: Note: Search queries must begin with either a 'W' or 'K' and contain a total of four characters including an optional wildcard '%' in the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th position. 174: uganda: 3: brazil: 175: chad: 4: argentina: 176: central african rep: 5: venezuela: 177: srilanka: 6: columbia: 178 May 31, 2013 · I want to try and find my father call sign. QSL: Direct Mail PO Box 1383 Shady Cove, OR 97539 USA Email: Login required to view Page managed by WA7RAR Lookups: 17492 Nov 23, 2013 · Interestingly, there is a thread on another board about the old Popular Electronics SWL callsigns. CB Tuning. Joy Ride: Directed by John Dahl. Search. Google Sites Nov 23, 2013 · July 1969 ~ KYQ9013 ~ 44 Dan and I still go by that handle today (todays radio Ham-KK7RBE, GMRS-WSCW671, CB-KYQ9013) . CB is - and was in 1984 - a unlicenced service. I am thinking he go his call sign in 1975 or 1976. Assignments for broadcasting stations are made by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC), while amateur stations receive their call signs from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (previously Industry Canada). In broadcasting and radio communications, a call sign (also known as a call name or call letters—and historically as a call signal—or abbreviated as a call) is a unique identifier for a transmitter station. Citizens band radio (CB radio) is a land mobile radio system, a system allowing short-distance one-to-many bidirectional voice communication among individuals, using two-way radios operating near 27 MHz (or the 11-m wavelength) in the high frequency or shortwave band. Ten-codes, officially known as ten signals, are brevity codes used to represent common phrases in voice communication, particularly by US public safety officials and in citizens band (CB) radio transmissions.
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