Ctc loss pytorch CTCLoss sums over the probability of possible alignments of input to target, producing a loss value which is differentiable with respect to each input node. The CTC loss is the sum of the negative log-likelihood of all possible output sequences that produce the desired output. In theory yes, in practice not really. Thomas Apr 24, 2019 · Ops, I found this in the CTC docs: In order to use CuDNN, the following must be satisfied: targets must be in concatenated format, all input_lengths must be T. The problem that I am facing now is that although the loss decreases pretty rapidly at the start, it levels out and no longer decrease at around 10% into an epoch. For example, running: # CTC Loss test import torch Your data should be of same length, padding is done automatically if using Attention + CrossEntropy, but padding is not done for CTC Loss, so make sure you normalize your target lengths in case of using CTC Loss (you can do this by adding a character to represent empty space, remember to not use the same as CTC uses for blank, those are In this video, I will show you how you can implement a Convolutional-RNN model for captcha recognition. I am, currently, working on a speech recognizer. My vague understanding from the source and discussions I’ve read is that it wraps some external cpp modules (linking to cudnn), and implements its own backwards() rather than relying on pytorch’s autograd. I am doing an end-to-end recognition. Learn the Basics. Turns out, for some inputs this function returns inf. IntTensor(x. ctc_loss with invalid input produce NaN or infinity gradient, while the batch entries are fine Dec 14, 2021 Oct 11, 2023 · By reducing this loss value in further training, the model can be optimized to output values that are closer to the actual values. 4 with warpctc To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: download the code from Mar 15, 2018 · Thanks, this makes loss function running. After my 6th CNN layer output, tensor shape will be (B, C, H, W). I tried setting the option to zero_infinity=True, but the value is very small and training does not proceed. May 3, 2019 · CTC loss only part of PyTorch since the 1. Jul 11, 2018 · Currently, what would be a proper way to use CTC loss in pytorch? It seems to me “warp-ctc is out of maintain, and cudnn. yaml) and _ctc_loss and this function has automatic gradients // it also handles the reduction if desired template <typename LengthsType> deep-learning pytorch speech-recognition neural-networks automatic-speech-recognition convolutional-neural-networks speech-to-text asr ctc-loss wav2letter Updated Dec 11, 2018 Python Mar 26, 2018 · I’m trying to train a captcha recognition model. Videos. Nov 20, 2023 · I have read several blog articles to get an idea of how CTCLoss works algorithmically, and the PyTorch documentation seems straightforward. It did not converge at all, and the loss went a bit wild so definitely a few things to investigate. reduction (string, optional) – Specifies the reduction to apply to the output: 'none' | 'mean' | 'sum'. For example: *& Jan 24, 2018 · Using the SeanNaren pytorch bindings for warp-ctc, I sometimes get different results for the same function call. I therefore assume higher order gradients (e. But I found that the speed of placing log_probs & targets on cuda or cpu are nearly same. CTCLoss(reduction="sum", zero_infinity=True) My Batch Size is 16. device) video_frames = video_frames + positional_encodings masked_video Aug 15, 2017 · There’s a lot of loss functions available in torch. KL divergence loss for label smoothing. ) I am training a CRNN with a CTCLoss using pytorch. Jul 19, 2019 · Thank you for your reply, I have transposed all int tensor to long. randint(1, 10, (batch_size, 2))). Overview¶ Apr 11, 2022 · Hello. CTCLoss(blank=0, reduction='mean', zero_infinity=False) コネクショニスト時間分類の損失。 連続した(セグメント化されていない)時系列とターゲットシーケンス間の損失を計算します。 Run PyTorch locally or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms. The RNN Transducer loss extends the CTC loss by defining a distribution over output sequences of all lengths, and by jointly modelling both input-output and output-output dependencies. I’m using a batch size of 1. 插入空白标签的位置,默认为 0. (Which are: 1) NaN if you don’t pass zero_infinity=True (available in master / the nightly builds listed under “preview”) and have impossible targets. criterion = torch. Finite differencing require computations to run in double precision to be effective. Intro to PyTorch - YouTube Series output should be the output activations from your model. We demonstrate this on a pretrained wav2vec 2. 'none': no reduction will be applied, 'mean': the output losses will be divided by the target lengths and then the mean over the batch is taken. Knowledge distillation for CTC loss. A newer updated version of this repo can be found here using the built-in pytorch ctc loss and extra modules. 1000 is the number of frame and 10 is the batch size, so you don’t need to apply output = output. 21297860145568848 Jan 4, 2020 · I created a mini test with pytorch. Pytorch is a popular open-source Python library for building deep learning models effectively. Prerequisites. 005 Dec 14, 2021 · t-vi changed the title torch. Dec 30, 2023 · I was trying to undertand how does CTC loss work and generated some &quot;input data&quot; and &quot;ground truth data&quot;, send them to CTC loss function and got strange results. CTCLoss with cpu the results are reproducible but with gpu and following setting the results from two experiments slowly get diverging. 0 documentation, If, I have 100 samples, then I got ctc loss for all samples or all samples in the batch ctc_loss = torch. Also after linear layer I have to pass to softmax and CTC which requires 3d tensor Mar 18, 2019 · If you have a workable example, I’d take a look. FSA/FST algorithms, differentiable, with PyTorch compatibility. See the example below. Intro to PyTorch - YouTube Series Ta sẽ giải quyết nó bằng CTC. If you observed that the CTC loss shrinks almost monotonically to a stable value, then the model is most likely stuck at a local minima; Use short samples to pretrain your model. 0 and SeanNaren/warp-ctc to recognize handwritten documents. embedding_dim). Parameters : logits ( Tensor ) – Tensor of dimension (batch, max seq length, max target length + 1, class) containing output from joiner Learn about PyTorch’s features and capabilities. ctc_loss = nn. LSTM(input_size, lstm_size, num_layers) output = self. distributions. I have tried solutions provided to similar problems. 0 torchvision = 0. ones_like(loss)). This has turned into a real head-scratcher, and I’m looking for fresh perspectives on what might be Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Run PyTorch locally or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms. I use the model architecture proposed in SubUNets. I am now looking to using the CTCloss function in pytorch, however I have some issues making it work properly. Solved PyTorch CTCLoss become nan after several epoch. main. With CTC, partitioning labels into equal chunks and assigning each one to an output block is ill-defined since by design, the labels may be misaligned. py”, line 373, in main() File “train. 10. Is this how I declare the lengths? op_len = torch. Oct 18, 2017 · Hi, I have been trying to use the CTCLoss function provided with warp_ctc module. My versions of pytorch : pytorch = 1. I’m working on a CRNN model for an OCR task, and no matter what parameters I adjust, my CTC loss remains stubbornly at zero. The CTCLoss implementation does follow the alignment with the enlarged sequence, but does this “padding” on the fly. loss2 = ctc_loss (x, y, xs, ys, average_frames = True) # Instead of summing the costs of each sample, you can perform # other `reductions`: "none", "sum", or "mean" # # Return an array with the loss of each individual sample losses = ctc_loss (x, y, xs, ys, reduction = "none") # # Compute the mean of the Because CTC is a differentiable function, it can be used during standard SGD training of deep neural networks. pytorch (https://github. Defining Loss function in pytorch. 4 with warpctc Steps to reproduce the behavior: download the code from https Apr 3, 2020 · Hi, I would like some help on the use of CTCLoss for handwritten text recognition task. It provides us with a ton of loss functions that can be used for different problems. Apr 15, 2020 · When I pass a batch of sequences of variable lengths to torch. Và CTC cũng phù hợp cho cả hai task sau: train: tính toán loss để huấn luyện mạng Apr 25, 2019 · by definition, a negative log likelihood cannot be negative, and I’ve not seen CTC loss return negative values for valid inputs. int()). , tức Connectionist Temporal Classification. I get a high accuracy after training the model using the native CTC loss implementation and the cuDNN deterministic flag set to False. I have a Bidirectional RNN custom module followed by 3 Fully connected layers and I am trying to implement a Speech Recognizer (Based on Deep Speech 2). 6, and I noticed that the convergence times for pytorch’s native loss function seem to be about 2-3 times slower than awni’s warp-ctc loss function. I saw some other posts and I made sure that the CTC loss epsilon or blank is not in my dictionary of characters. backward(torch. In your case, the shape of output is [1000, 10, 29]. I’m trying to train ASR model by CTC loss. log_softmax(output, dim=2) # [batch, seq_length, class] # to compute CTC loss ctc_loss = self Jul 12, 2021 · Hello, So my understanding of CTC is that it instructs the model to insert a blank token whenever it has to wait for the next acceptable target. Wishart. All the examples I have seen online conform to my understanding, but I am having trouble getting it to work in practice. It reached 90% sequence accuracy on captcha generated by python library captcha. 09685754776000977 bwd 0. long) train_loss = ctc_loss(model_output, target, op_len, target_len) I am asking as the train loss is infinity after first iteration. com As we know, warp-ctc need to compile and it seems that it only support PyTorch 0. CTCLoss(blank // the gradient is implemented for _cudnn_ctc_loss (just in derivatives. blank (int, optional) – blank label. Jun 4, 2021 · module: autograd Related to torch. int32 So I modified the sample code on the docs(r&hellip; Mar 9, 2020 · Hello, (I am aware there are several similar questions, but none of the solutions given helped me to solve my problem. CrossEntropyLoss to handle unbalance dataset? Pytorch implementation of HTR on IAM dataset (word or line level + CTC loss) cnn pytorch lstm handwritten-text-recognition ctc-loss iam-dataset Updated Jul 28, 2022 Run PyTorch locally or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms. I don’t want to Mar 11, 2022 · Hi, Any chance to be able to easily retrieve the alpha and beta (or gamma) tensors after computing the CTCLoss ? The objective is to exploit them in another loss function that would force the alignment to be balanced across the sequence of output states (the number of input timesteps assigned to each output state should be nearly the same for all states). In the article it says that to compute the loss, a typical way would be to sum the probability of all valid alignments. Selected Features: Dataset is saved in a '. Is there a way to make BPTT or MRBP (https Mar 26, 2018 · Check the CTC loss output along training. Nov 27, 2017 · The package is written in C++ and CUDA. Input_lengths equal to tensor(1500). Now if you do funny things loss2 = exp(-5*loss) + something_else, you will have different values backpropagating. full((N,), T, dtype=torch. CTCLoss (blank = 0, reduction = 'mean', zero_infinity = False) [source] ¶. Here’s how my loss function is set up: criterion = nn. Basically, what it does is that it computes the loss and passes it through an additional method called debug, which checks for instances when the loss becomes Nan. I tried both the awins port and the SeanNaren port but they both give similar results – the model outputs just one letter, usually the the blank label. O-1: Self-training with Oracle and 1-best Hypothesis. Size([51, 30]) length_input: torch. I am using pyotrch’s CTC loss, criterion = nn. should the label tensor be [ seq1[0:L1], seq2[0:L2] ], or should it be [seq1[0], seq2[0], seq1[1], seq2[1], …]? Also, I noticed that the labels are not zero. Events. I am working on 2D Cnn network for OCR. I run this sample code: import torch from torch. But it’s no works with actual master of pytorch. randint(1,T,(N,), dtype=torch. Community Blog. After some epochs the loss stops going down but my network only produces blanks. I know this because I calculate the edit distance between the decoded predictions and the labels, and that’s improving. I don’t know enough about the internals of the CTC algorithm to know why such inputs yield inf (tested with PyTorch 1. 0 model trained using CTC loss. In test_case3, when I change the input to torch_activation after softmax and remove the softmax function below, the gradient of k2 seems not identical to pytorch build-in ctc loss. pt' file after the initial preprocessing for faster loading operations Oct 24, 2018 · I’ve taken these changes and used the built in ctc loss with deepspeech. # T -> max number of frames/timesteps # N Dec 17, 2021 · If I understand well, it finite differences may be used for some ops that lack manual double backward. CTC loss. My inputs are masked as follows: mask = ~mask. But PyTorch support CTCLoss itself, so i change the loss function to torch. Does 0 by default reserved for the blank Jun 12, 2020 · I applied CTC loss for the continuous sign-language recognition task. import torch from torch_baidu_ctc import ctc_loss, CTCLoss # Activations. The aforementioned approach is employed in multiple modern OCR engines for handwritten text (e. Stories from the PyTorch ecosystem. For the inference I can use softmax to get top k scores. TensorFlow has built in CTC loss and CTC beam search functions for the CPU. I need to have a connectionist temporal classification (CTC) layer as the outermost layer. The CTC loss function runs on either the CPU or the GPU. When I remplace it with the built-in PyTorch CTCLoss, there is a strange behaviour during the learning process. If I change the labels to. Best regards Dec 15, 2021 · Hi fellows, I have a doubt. Learn about the PyTorch foundation. Intro to PyTorch - YouTube Series Jan 9, 2021 · It shows that k2 CTC loss is identical to PyTorch CTC loss and warp-ctc when they are given the same input. Optimizer is nn. pytorch), Pytorch 0. Learn about the latest PyTorch tutorials, new, and more . softmax or you can pass log_probs_input=False to the decoder. In our lab, we focus on scaling up recurrent neural networks, and CTC loss is an important component. py from train import * from transcription import * import torchaudio from torch. Intro to PyTorch - YouTube Series Apr 22, 2021 · That is not how you’re supposed to use CTC loss. I am studying about CTC from this wonderful article Sequence Modeling with CTC , and I’d like to ask something regarding PyTorch’s way of computing CTC loss. However, this might become too costly, as the valid alignments may be too many. loss function with pytorch. Thomas Nov 23, 2018 · 🐛 Bug when I train a cnn-rnn-ctc text recognize model, I meet nan loss after some iters, but it's ok at pytorch 0. long) target_len = torch. manua Jun 7, 2021 · I have model_output of size [T, N, C] and target of size [N,T]. CTCLoss” supported by PYTORCH and “CTCLoss” supported by torch_baidu_ctc? i think, I didn’t notice any difference when I compared the tutorial code. The CTC loss algorithm can be applied to both convolutional and recurrent networks. But it returns Inf. For your reference for the decoder, please visit this blog: assemblyai. ctc_loss expects different types for the "targets" input, depending on whether the selected backed is cudnn or the native implementation. PyTorch. Shape T x N x D. 0 version and it is a better way to go because it is natively part of PyTorch. ie: simply use one-hot representation with KL-Divergence loss. The output symbols might be interleaved with the blank symbols, which leaves exponentially many possibilities. 0 documentation, In CTC Loss, how should we add weights like in torch. i am padding all sequences with the blank token = 0. 0167086124420166 Custom CTC loss fwd 0. I am having problems using torch. ctc_loss as the loss function, the loss keeps going down but the model keeps outputting blank strings after a few batches, I know there are a lot of similar questions and I tried some of those solutions but nothing seems to work, I’d greatly appreciate any advices this is my LoRA config lora_config ASR Inference with CTC Decoder¶ Author: Caroline Chen. Any hints are welcome. Catch up on the latest technical news and happenings. I have recently started using pytorch’s native ctc loss function in pytorch 1. What isn’t clear is that why DeepSpeech implementation is not using log_softmax in the repo? Jun 7, 2020 · No, I am so new to this. I have to pass this output to linear layer to map to number of classes(76) required to have for CTC loss. ctc_loss() I have the following tensors: prob_txt_pred: torch. Running in batch gives the save results, so Ill share the shapes of my tensors for B=1: Log_prob size is:[1500,73]. So, I changed The CNN model to be AlexNet for lighter weight. warp-ctc does not seem to be maintained, the last commits changing the core code are from 2017. Nov 7, 2021 · Hi everyone. ctc_loss() ? Dec 9, 2021 · Hello, I am learning CTC Loss from CTCLoss — PyTorch 1. # The averaged costs are then summed. g. detereministic flag. Best regards. Sequential( # run 1D LSTM layer. CTCLoss¶ class torch. Then, as it trains, the average length of the predicted sequences Tips: blank(the blue box symbol here) is introduced because we allow the model to predict a blank label due to unsureness or the end comes, which is similar with human when we are not pretty sure to make a good prediction. 017746925354003906 bwd 0. However, the model accuracy is much poor when training using the native CTC loss implementation and the deterministic flag set to True. Find events, webinars, and podcasts Device: cuda Log-probs shape (time X batch X channels): 128x256x32 Built-in CTC loss fwd 0. Is there a neat way to do this? In short, I want to have a bidrectional LSTM architecture which will have an objective to minimize CTC loss. 0. - k2-fsa/k2 Dec 4, 2019 · It would be great if there would be a full list of operations that might not get reproducible even by enabling cudnn. I used ResNet18 for the CNN model to spatial feature extraction. So perhaps a collective list of best practices would be helpful for this. loss = loss_function(tag_score, target, tag_score_sizes, target_sizes) Oct 27, 2024 · Customizing Loss Functions for Specific Use Cases. I am studying about CTC from this wonderful article Sequence Modeling with CTC, and I’d like to ask something regarding PyTorch’s way of computing CTC loss. ctc is 20x faster” So how could we use cudnn CTC loss in pytorch? May 17, 2022 · I’ve encountered the CTC loss going NaN several times, and I believe there are many people facing this problem from time to time. The bottom most target ‘_’ is my blank class. Familiarize yourself with PyTorch concepts and modules. Apr 15, 2020 · Hi, I am using Pytorch CTC loss function with Pytorch 1. but when I use AlexNet for the spatial feature extraction model, after few epochs Nov 26, 2018 · 🐛 Bug when I train a cnn-rnn-ctc text recognize model, I meet nan loss after some iters epochs, but it's ok at pytorch 0. zero_() target_sizes Nov 29, 2018 · I am working on a variant of the CTC loss. Would really appreciate help on this. There’s no problem here but ResNet18 consumes very high memory. Do feed in the proper target lengths. Based on that, can you double-check that your inputs are valid (e. 1 Jun 27, 2018 · @meijieru 请教关于 ctc loss 出现 inf 的原因。 我用 py 生成测试数据,大概逻辑是 选一张背景图片 选一句中文字符串,截定长 5 个字符,得到 label 计算该字符串的 w,h,画到背景图片上,再裁剪,得到 img MyDataset 的 getitem 返回的是 img, label alphabet 为所有 gbk 中文字符 list(set(gbk_arr)),长度比较大 Jun 21, 2020 · I decided to play around with the example included in the documentation of nn. It used @SeanNaren’s warp-ctc, however, when I replace its CTCLoss function to PyTorch’s brand new one, the training bec&hellip; Aug 9, 2023 · Is torchaudio. 002052783966064453 bwd 0. ref:lihongyi lecture starting from 3:45 Run PyTorch locally or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms. the longer it is, the less close you can get to loss 0 without very spiked predictions. The problem is that these generated captcha seems to have similary location of each character. Jul 14, 2021 · I have a model which outputs/predicts from an image (a word) to a label tensor [1,64] = 119,111,114,100,0,0,…0,0,0,0: stands for “word” How i transform that Apr 16, 2020 · I tried to implement the model which learn to localize the action in a video. 21297860145568848 Run PyTorch locally or get started quickly with one of the supported cloud platforms. py(line367). This gives us the log-likelihood of the sequence under the model. Size([225, 51, 54]) target_words: torch. 14192843437194824 Custom loss matches: True Grad matches: True CE grad matches: True Device: cpu Log-probs shape (time X batch X channels): 128x256x32 Built-in CTC loss fwd 0. expand(-1, -1, self. I just want to make sure there is no way for me to get reproducible training (loss values, parameter Feb 20, 2018 · With the random label code you posted above, the one problem seems to be that 0 should not be in the labels. Overview¶ Sep 19, 2022 · I tried to develop mult-gpu CRNN with CTCLoss, when modified code with DataParallel and execute train code and got this error: Traceback (most recent call last): File “train. Thank you ! Nov 12, 2023 · I’ve hit a wall with an issue that’s as intriguing as it is frustrating, and I’m hoping to tap into the collective wisdom of this community to find a resolution. What I've tried At first, I modified BLANK_LABEL to 62 since there are Jan 5, 2022 · Hi, I wonder if there is a way to use AdaptiveLogSoftmaxWithLoss() instead of the regular log_softmax() in a LSTM model with CTCLoss(). Here’s a minimal working example where the losses should be close to zero, because the inputs match the targets. At the first few iterations, the predicted labels are all very similar (random sequences of the same 3-4 characters), although the real labels are not. def make_model(ninput=48, noutput=97): return nn. I use the null character as the target value for empty images without any text. For example, there is a paper that applies reweighting to CTC loss via interpreting it as cross-entropy with some distribution (it happens that CTC’s gradient computes that distribution as an intermediate step). But I am not very clear how to fill the tensor for the labels. I Nov 19, 2020 · If label smoothening is bothering you, another way to test it is to change label smoothing to 1. Parameters : logits ( Tensor ) – Tensor of dimension (batch, max seq length, max target length + 1, class) containing output from joiner Mar 6, 2024 · I am using microsoft’s TrOCR model as base and training it with LoRA and torch. I am providing code, Colab notebook, and dataset. Thanks 初始化参数. yaml) and _ctc_loss and this function has automatic gradients // it also handles the reduction if desired template <typename LengthsType> Aug 27, 2018 · はじめにほとんどの音声データベースには時間情報がなく、発話内容しか与えられていません。これは、音素の時間情報を同定する作業が非常に高コストだからです。このため、ニューラルネットを用いた音声認識は、… May 26, 2020 · Though one generally has to take the sequence length into account, i. When the target is null character and the model correctly predicts null character, CTC loss produce a negative value. So for the training I need to use log_softmax it’s clear now. But when I apply mixed precision training, CTC Loss does not descend and model predicts only Blank for some Epochs in spite of using wav2vec2 pretrained model. Calculates loss between a continuous (unsegmented) time series and a target sequence. unsqueeze(-1). Custom loss function in pytorch 1. Adjust the learning rate if the dev loss is around a specific loss for ten times. transpose(0, 1) after log_softmax. CTCLoss and see if I can break it. Indeed, after few batches in the first epoch, the network predictions are only blank labels. I am using the ctc_loss of Pytorch. Lstm1 Dec 14, 2023 · To calculate the CTC loss in PyTorch, simply go through the sections as follows: Note: The Python code to calculate the CTC loss is available here. Community Stories. Jan 19, 2021 · Thank you for the reply. I’m not sure which part disturbs training, but I think covering optimizer and backward by scaler is the critical one. utils. Thanks in advance. rnnt_loss() a drop-in replacement for torch. In this case, your loss values should match exactly the Cross-Entropy loss values. backward() directly on the CTC loss, i. The training loss does Dec 3, 2017 · I use the baidu ctc-loss implementation. 6, 0. Linear(fc_input, fc_output) output = F. Thomas Feb 21, 2019 · Hi, I’m working on a ASR topic in here and recently I’ve changed my code to support PyTorch 1. IMPLEMENTATION OF CTC LOSS. But I am not sure if the CTCLoss function in PyTorch is doing that? This is an image of the posterior probabilities at each timestep for all the classes. CTCLoss class torch. When I inspect the output of the forward pass of the model, it seems like the model decided that the best way to minimize CTCLoss is to predict Jan 5, 2022 · Hello, I am trying to train CRNN with CTC loss. Any help will be really appreciated. Đúng vậy, CTC network chẳng qua chỉ là một network classify thông thường có output theo thời gian. 0 or newer, use torch. Oct 18, 2018 · I was under the impression that Sean’s warpctc always assumes that you do loss. the model is composed of 2 parts, features extraction part with CNN and sequence recognition part with RNN, and use CTC loss to predict class in each sequence as the code below. Overview¶ Jan 18, 2019 · I’m using the CTCLoss in PyTorch version 1. size(1), self. Join the PyTorch developer community to contribute, learn, and get your questions answered. 4 warp-ctc bindings. I wouldn’t even know how to combine both. The gradients of k2 and PyTorch are also the same. What happens is that the loss as you call it would require the model to output PAD BLANK PAD BLANK PAD … for as many pads as you have at the end (for repetitions, CTC needs two x elements to represent one y element) and so this cannot be represented in the x length. CTCLoss, and i don’t know why it return negative. 1, 0. I have observed a weird phenomenon wherein the loss per epoch keeps increasing while the model get better. I know this is not the right place to ask but help is really appreciated. CTCLoss. My current implementation is in pytorch and takes this as the loss and simply calls backward to Jun 24, 2021 · I am using a CRNN model (EffNet + BiLSTM) for an OCR task, and using CTC loss to train the model. Dec 9, 2021 · Hello, I am learning CTC Loss from CTCLoss — PyTorch 1. Is there a way to compute/access the CTC loss gradient without resorting to Aug 29, 2020 · The above code snippet builds a wrapper around pytorch’s CTC loss function. This is running on K40 GPUs. CTCLoss(blank=0) def encode_text_batch(text_batch): text_bat&hellip; Feb 22, 2021 · Hello, I’m struggling while trying to implement this paper. Dec 27, 2023 · In speech recognition applications characterized by fluctuating acoustic environments, the CTC model may encounter challenges in effectively generalizing across diverse conditions. In this situation the PyTorch "Probability Distributions"의 "torch. Complete the following steps before starting to calculate the CTC loss using the PyTorch environment: Access Python Notebook; Install Modules; Import Libraries; Access Python Notebook PyTorch Blog. Nvidia also provides a GPU implementation of CTC in cuDNN versions 7 and up. So I tried to make a minimal example to see where my code went wrong. . data import DataLoader def main May 3, 2020 · I’m using a CNN+LSTM model with CTC loss for an OCR task. ctc_loss(prob_txt_pred, target_words, length_input, target_len_words) and I Aug 17, 2019 · Hi all, I am having trouble finding research on models that used CrossEntropy vs CTC and their performance. e. Note. Times of adjusting learning rate is 8 which can be alter in steps/train_ctc. It then goes on to Jun 4, 2021 · CTCLoss returns inf if the input length is too short. Whats new in PyTorch tutorials. 2. Targets size is:[18], and value: tensor([16, 9, 10, 11, 2, 10, 45, 17, 72, 10, 17, 72, 13, 5, 72, 12, 35, 11]). blank=0, target_lengths ≤256, the integer arguments must be of dtype torch. This might surprise you, but PyTorch’s loss functions — though extensive — don’t cover every scenario. The input sizes are fixed(N_features) but sequence lengths are different between each Some loss optimized for CTC: TensorFlow. How should I fix the code to train CTC loss for mixed precision Nov 25, 2020 · Hello, I unfortunately have to deal with the problematic CTC Loss. It then goes on to Dec 2, 2021 · Hi everyone. Now how should i reshape my CNN output tensor to pass to linear layer. Intro to PyTorch - YouTube Series Nov 13, 2023 · Hello, I am working on a task that involves speech recognition using CTC Loss. For a model would converge, the CTC loss at each batch fluctuates notably. Size([51]) target_len_words: torch. Does anyone know the true? Tutorial code is located below. from_numpy(np. import os import sys import cv2 import tqdm import glob import torch import torchvision from Nov 20, 2019 · Sometimes one needs to manually use the gradient function, because the computed quantity is useful. I’ve seen a lot of posts on the forum concerning this issue and most of the time the problem resulted from a wrong understanding of the way CTCLoss works. Jun 25, 2019 · 🐛 Bug When running ctc on the GPU, torch. I also place log_probs & targets to cuda, place lengths to cpu. wishart. the gradient_out of loss is 1, which is the same as not reducing and using loss. In my understanding, the probability for the Feb 12, 2018 · Hi all, I was trying to use pytorch wrapper of CTCLoss function (GitHub - SeanNaren/warp-ctc: Pytorch Bindings for warp-ctc). pub has a good exposition on CTC where they illustrate the role alignment plays for the CTC loss. The Connectionist Temporal Classification loss. autograd, and the autograd engine in general module: loss Problem is related to loss function triaged This issue has been looked at a team member, and triaged and prioritized into an appropriate module Oct 26, 2018 · You want encoded_label = torch. In [1]: loss Out[1]: Variable containing: -0. e. distributions. Just don't know why, but when i train the net, the loss always become nan after several epoch. Pytorch implementation of Handwritten Text Recognition using CTC loss on IAM dataset. If you are using PyTorch 1. Best Practices for Avoiding NaN CTC 1. CTCLoss() loss = ctc_loss(input, labels, input_lengths Apr 12, 2024 · I’m making a speech recognition model and can’t figure out why my ctc loss is negative for each processed batch. py”&hellip; The RNN Transducer loss extends the CTC loss by defining a distribution over output sequences of all lengths, and by jointly modelling both input-output and output-output dependencies. nn. My model is a pretrained CNN layer + Self-attention encoder (or LSTM) + Linear layer and apply the logSoftmax to get the log probs of the classes + blank label (batch, Seq, classes+1) + CTC. Tutorials. But, after some iterations, the model predicts only blank labels. import torch import torch Jun 25, 2022 · How to correctly use CTC Loss with GRU in pytorch? 0. Because CTCLoss only accept Tensor of size TNC(or NTC) as input. functional. I’ll try do some more digging! EDIT: should mention thanks to Jinserk warp-ctc is 1. Later, they only fixed bindings for (an already obsolete version of // the gradient is implemented for _cudnn_ctc_loss (just in derivatives. PyTorch Foundation. int32. I read in a separate post that the cuDNN CTC loss implementation Dec 23, 2018 · Hello Thomas, I’m using Awni Hannun codebase to do phoneme recognition which uses his pytorch 0. to(video_frames. If I have two sequences of labels seq1 and seq2, they have length L1, L2. sum()?It would need to be 2213 for the inputs to be valid. size(0)). With log_softmax(), it’s boils down to essentially this: output = self. HVPs) through CTCLoss won’t work. I don’t know whether that’s intentional or a bug of PyTorch’s implementation, as this limitation does not make sense to me Feb 17, 2020 · Hey there ! I’m trying to adapt a code, which is using warp-ctc. PyTorch Recipes. labels = Variable(torch. random. optimizer. tensor([1, 2, 1, 3]), otherwise the CTC loss will tip over. This tutorial shows how to perform speech recognition inference using a CTC beam search decoder with lexicon constraint and KenLM language model support. ASR Inference with CTC Decoder¶ Author: Caroline Chen. From this follows that the problem is in how I use the CTC loss together with PyTorch, but here is a project with a similar architecture which also Jan 31, 2019 · Hi pytorch community. To make our system efficient, we parallelized the CTC algorithm, as described in this paper. I won’t have targets of variable length. Shout out to Jerin Philip for this code. MWER (minimum WER) Loss with CTC beam search. Default 0. PyTorch Implementation of Fast Fourier Convolution-RNN with CTC loss for Handwritten Recognition ctc-loss handwritten-recognition Updated Sep 7, 2022 Jan 17, 2020 · Hi, I am doing seq2seq where the input is a sequence of images and the output is a text (sequence of token words). But the problem is my sequence lengths is heavily biased, for an extrem example my sequence lengths is like [10000, 1, 1, 1, 1 … 1]. What should I do in this case? I’ve tried many different solutions, but I don’t know why it Aug 4, 2017 · I am trying to use the CTC loss created by @SeanNaren. any(axis=2) mask = mask. Also, it sometimes gives negatives results which I believe should be impossible since warp-ctc computes loss as negative log-likelikhood, and the preceding softmax function is built into the implementation. 5. It then goes on to Jul 17, 2020 · Modern deep leaning libraries such as Pytorch, and TensorFlow have this feature. Saved searches Use saved searches to filter your results more quickly Jan 18, 2024 · PyTorch Forums Batch Size suddenly changes while training a CRNN with ctc loss 28 29 # Calculate the CTC loss ---> 30 loss = ctc_loss(logits, targets, logit May 3, 2019 · Is there a difference between “torch. CTCLoss' class is used to implement the Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss. It doesn’t sound like any issue I’m aware of. Loss Functions in Pytorch. In PyTorch, the 'torch. When I randomly add spaces between characters, the model does not work any more Apr 21, 2022 · Hi @Mohamed_Nabih, according to the CTCLoss documentation, the shape of output is [time, batch, num_class]. Oct 23, 2021 · Hi everyone. , Google’s Keyboard App - convolutions are replaced Nov 6, 2022 · Although theoretically it is not possible, I’m getting negative loss when using ctc loss. CTCLoss() loss = ctc_loss(input, &hellip; Nov 21, 2018 · As per the docs In order to use CuDNN, the following must be satisfied: targets must be in concatenated format and the integer arguments must be of dtype torch. ctc_loss produce NaN or infinity gradient, while the batch entries are fine torch. Nov 6, 2018 · I am using CTC in an LSTM-OCR setup and was previously using a CPU implementation (from here). Target_lengths equal to tensor(18 Dec 9, 2019 · summary I'm adding alphabets to captcha recognition, but pytorch's CTC seems to not working properly when alphabets are added. It is my understanding that one can compute the forward variables (in log space) and simply perform a logsumexp operation in the last two alpha variables of the sequence at the last timestep. . Bindings are available for Torch, TensorFlow and PyTorch. The unreduced loss Device: cuda Log-probs shape (time X batch X channels): 128x256x32 Built-in CTC loss fwd 0. It seems that if you have some kind of seq2seq task, it makes a lot of sense to use CTC but I would like to see what kind of difference I can expect. Is this the expected behaviour of CTC loss? If so, how should I indicate empty images? Thanks. bool() positional_encodings = get_positional_encoding(video_frames. (Also, is there any official CTC binder with pytorch now?) # Segment the image to one row! x = images[:, :, row:row+1, :] y = labels[:, row] # Target size is batch_sizexone target_sizes = torch. Size([51]) I am giving them to the ctc_loss function in the following way: nf. Model details are resnet pretrained CNN layers + Bidirectional LSTM + Fully Connected. no blank labels in the target)? Best regards. Mismatch between model’s number of classes and class_ids in labels A common problem is that, seeing the largest class in our label_list is C, we Jul 14, 2021 · A loss of inf means your input sequence is too short to be aligned to your target sequence (ie the data has likelihood 0 given the model - CTC loss is a negative log likelihood after all). 1], [0. Python3 Oct 5, 2022 · The CTC loss does not operate on the argmax predictions but on the entire output distribution. I am using torch. autograd import Variable from warpctc_pytorch import CTCLoss ctc_loss = CTCLoss() probs = torch. scale_tril" 프로그래밍 해설 "torch. My test model is very simple and consists of a single BI-LSTM layer followed by a single linear layer. We will be using CTC loss and everything will be done Aug 8, 2023 · Is there a way to do back-propagation through time using CTC loss? I’ve seen implementations of BPTT where you partition your outputs and labels into chunks, calculate loss while retaining graphs. wishart. Bite-size, ready-to-deploy PyTorch code examples. com/meijieru/crnn. Distill. Community. I think this may be caused by my usage, not sure if I am passing correct parameters. It appears that for the PyTorch CTCLoss, the input lengths are too short if input_len = target_len, actually that’s also not the primary use case for CTCLoss. But, none worked in my case. 0 compat on the pytorch_bindings branch! Jun 25, 2018 · I am using crnn. 4. There is no problem Contribute to shouxieai/CTC_loss_pytorch development by creating an account on GitHub. CTCLoss, I need to first run pad_packed_sequence() to pad all the sequences to the maximun sequence length. Delay-penalized CTC implemented based on Finite State Transducer. 1. FloatTensor([[[0. 1. 1): torch. Learn how our community solves real, everyday machine learning problems with PyTorch. Thomas Jul 30, 2020 · This article discusses handwritten character recognition (OCR) in images using sequence-to-sequence (seq2seq) mapping performed by a Convolutional Recurrent Neural Network (CRNN) trained with Connectionist Temporal Classification (CTC) loss. 0. If your output has passed through a SoftMax layer, you shouldn't need to alter it (except maybe to transpose), but if your output represents negative log likelihoods (raw logits), you either need to pass it through an additional torch. Adam with weigth decay 0. view(-1) Mar 31, 2019 · What is target_lengths. For recurrent networks, it is possible to compute the loss at each timestep in the path or make use of the final loss, depending on the use case. 0 Here is the code which defines the architecture of the network Mar 8, 2024 · I’m trying to implement a simple transformer using CTC loss. pytorch to train an AN4 model. It’s no different, I use pytorch’s CTC Loss, but the CTC Loss value continues to be derived only as inf. Developer Resources Mar 5, 2021 · I am trying to use CRNN, model to give me Text-Perceptual-Loss, to be used for Text Super Resolution. qsfssk eztiq krrv jjl byjruz yhvpe tneg ipocv uxc iqsx