Drush civs aoe2 Incas similar, they also safe some wood on the houses. So while there are no drush specific bonuses, it's still a good strategy and gives you the early map presence to keep fights away from your economy. It just improves all of their regular strategies, except maybe the drush because you end up with a net -25 wood than other civs. I personally am a big fan of playing random, so I don't fall into the trap of laying out my strategy before the game. If they have all their golds forward you can deny it with m@a rush or a foward. youtube. I personally mostly play standard openings with malians. Early game: sheep bonus is very good, gets food in fast and saves lots of villager time. 1600 here, 20 pop MaA (similar to 20 pop drush build with other civs) into adapt, then knights in castle is the general idea. If you don't think micro is your strong suit I would definitely stick to cav civs because archers need attention constantly. However, when playing with archers, skirmishers more or less clean the floor with you and catapults can ruin your day if you blink at the wrong time. In castle age, kreposts to limit opponent eco expansion or to buy time to make a comeback. You can do drush, pre mill drush, drush flush, drush fc, straight archers, man at arms and even scouts. Although they now only have a +100 food bonus instead of +150. Good civs to start with are Byzantines, Spanish, Britons, Teutons. 168K subscribers in the aoe2 community. 2 players: 1 archers civ, 1 cavalry civs 3 players: 2 archers civs as flanks and 1 cavalry civs in the pocket (middle) position 4 players: 2 archers civs as flanks and 2 cavalry civs in the pocket position Example for archers: Ethiopians, Vietnamese, Chinese, Vikings, Britons Pre-mill drush - Typical for civs that have early game food or wood bonus (Lithuania, Celts, Malians) Post-mill drush - The OG drush. Goths get an extra vil and can do loom any time and have a cheaper Drush. Well if you can pull that rabbit out of your hat well for you! You should be writing this guide and not me. The civs you mentioned would be good for pre-lumber drush except maybe celts. Drush -> flush is not a weak strategy. They have: Combine those 3 you can play this strat every game and win in castle age. ) Today I did a 19-pop Men-at-arms opening with Japanese and completely clapped a Mongols player who went up with 20 pop into range. com Statistically, Franks have the highest win percentage. If your opponent is going M@A and you drush him, he will try to stop your drush with his M@A, and you already won because you invested less resources. For designing AoE2 civs, it is better to draw inspiration from actual medieval materials. However, Drush into maa skirm can be very effective for a Civ with a big infantry related bonus. Also a drush gives you the flexibility of teching into M@A if necessary when you hit feudal (Very situational). 85 gold monks and cheaper knights. Dec 23, 2020 · Steam Community: Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition. What strength do you really try to take advantage of when playing this civ? Forage Bonus to up faster than usual (pop 20, pop21) to go fast Scouts (with cheap-ass bloodlines) and go Castle Soon to go for Kts. again, they have the eagle As far as I know you want good Archers civs and cavalry civs. I think my two best Arabia civs are Lithuanians (idk why) and Bulgarians because of their free militia line upgrades and kreposts Speed is of the essence, i would think, civs with fast eco/age up like aztecs, malay and vikings maybe? Aztects also have a fast eco + monk bonuses so they make a great choice, i would think. Faster farmers should have a pretty big implication for scout wars, drush and knight builds. Franks get free farm upgrades, +Speed on berries, and instantly strong scouts for a powerful early game Scout rush. In Castle Age then the Eagle Warrior becomes a very strong option, but you also can stick to the Archer-line. But their actual strength is in knowing where exactly the opponent's TC is and then you can go over there quickly with your Aztecs - Hesitant to put this one here, but the free loom allows for a fantastic drush in the early game. Shotels are crazy strong units for raiding, if you're playing a desert-like map, or an Arabia and want to explore your opponent lack of mobility/reaction time, Shotels are Great you'll probably suceed in using them vs "slower" civs (civs which main army doesn't cointain fast ranged units) such as Cavalry Archer. Aztecs. Perfect to dominate easily-walled maps with civilizations that are really strong in Castle Age. Other people call civs versatile if they can go either archers or cav like magyars. And there are people out there that want all generic units. Free loom means 5 militia drush, plus your eagle. Surprised nobody's mentioned Aztecs, considering they're one of the top 3 Arabia civs, if not top 2 or top 1. Means making use of there early infantry bonus with m@a or drush and than fc. -they are very flexible with openings. Standout civs for me would be Bulgarians, Malians, and Bengalis. The first two are the best picks on open land maps like Arabia and Persians are good on hybrid maps. The Persian douche is also a very cheesy early strat. Thats true, but to me going drush into castle drop is very greedy. i haven't tried this so i don't know the build order but a couple of bot games and u can figure out an easy timing based on your play style by playing huns goths or mongols imo. They’re my favorite for closed map team games where I get to boom. Aztecs for example, Drush > FC > Xbow is probably the best one to put in there. i. Puritans would say that you have also a good drush FC, even the famous insta drush. My Gameplay Channel: https://www. Franks also have a strong Paladin endgame, so the Franks are quite bad, mill upgrades don't really kick in early and they are slow compared to other civs. Byzantines can be good too, because of the extra wall HP to buy more time. It's possible, but not really viable. Leitis counters heavily armored units also. And Spanish literally cannot go xbows at all. I'm 17xx, here are my favorite civs to pre mill drush and why (not necessarily in order): Persians: wood bonus means being able to build barracks precisely when you want to and the mill right after. Fully upgraded Elite Konniks destroy everything. For something like a briton match up I see drush flush a lot. If they have CA or knights I go 2 ranges. If your map is really good and you can wall up archers is a lot safer, you can also drush FC. Problem is they don't really get anything against archer civs. Your usual choices in Feudal will be archers, skirms, or semi-FC into eagles. Archer rushing is their favorite rushing strategy, though, since they want to have the archer upgrades for later anyway. Chinese Heavy Scorpions are actually incredibly powerful because lacking Siege Engineers is way made up for because +4 attack is really significant against high pierce armor units. For example the doble range after a classic drush going up at 24 pop. If you want to Drush+FC you don't need to adjust for the Vikings eco bonus. 2. Scouts transitioning into archers in mid/late feudal > xbow is THE classic arabia 1v1 build and most civs can do it. If we are Aztec and Indians, why would we even let you build your castles. The best way to learn to be "not-passive" is committing to militia in early game. If you can engage the enemy militia before the M@A upgrade, then you've nullified his opening. A community for AoE2 enthusiasts Members Online If you ever beat yourself up over errors, here is the greatest player of all time listing all the many, many mistakes he made during a loss in the Warlords finals. Nearly all civs can do standard openings/build orders like man at arms, scouts or archer rush in feudal age or fast castle into knights/crossbows. Persians or Khmer could do the trick but I must admit I don't really know these civs So yeah, a lot of civs have a good scout rush, even typical archers civs will do ok in this regard. Just remember to disrupt villagers from key resources: Cavalry civs hate to be attacked in berries (less food=no scouts) Archer civs hate to be attacked in gold (no gold=no archers) Oh boy you have so many assumptions about game play. Always be ready to transition with Aztecs because they have so many options. Like, going scout rush as brits japs or celts would be a bad idea, as one would not be doing more than 4 scouts for these civs and with 4 scouts u just need 1 or two spears or if your skills are good you can even wall off ur woodcutters and gold miners with palisades or houses so scouts would be useless on When you say drush > FC, you don't specify what to do with the FC. Takes some macro and micro skills to be any good at feudal age. I think the new civs are still an open question, also depending on what balance changes come next. If you can choose civs then you will In the later years of AoC the meta was largely focused around drush > full wall > FC into xbows. I followed a buildorder that does drush into archers but bulgarians dont even get crossbows so isn't that a whole lot of wasted ressources? Ideally I thought I'd do the drush/m@a rush into fast castle for knights, but for fast castle all build orders only go up to feudal at ~27-28 pop, while m@a rush goes up at 21-22. They're more of a last resort if you're not going to immediately attack in Castle Age since most civs won't have enough stone to build a TC after placing a tower. You can drush fast castle, drush into archers, scout rush as early as pop 17 (19 is better, 22 is noob friendly), tower rush, etc. If flank dosent do feudal aggresion scouts cant really do much. Jan 18, 2023 · Age of Empires 2: Definitive Edition is a classic real-time strategy game that offers players the chance to control one of 42 civilizations. Even the best pros cannot agree on which civs to prioritize after the clear S-tier civs for a specific map. Take all this with a grain of salt because Gurjaras have a <50% winrate against like 6ish civs, it’s ridiculous. Hey guys, I've had a lot of success playing aztecs vs archer civs ( drush into spam eagles basically and kill in castle age), but against cav civs I struggle to be aggressive because kts rek eagles in castle age. Apr 10, 2013 · Drush (Dark Age Rush)-The Drush or dark age rush is a very annoying strategy if pulled off well and also costs next to nothing (180 food and 60 of starting gold), as when they perform this they will attack your lumber guys and then run off, forcing your villagers to go through periods of not working. Very good early game and flank civ, pretty bad for late game. They’re a bit too slow (or I’m too slow with them) for Arabia between 1000-1100 elo. These are in no particular order, just going off what I believe are the most viable TRushing civs. Daut's tier list might look similar to this, while Hera, Liereyy, and Viper would promote more archer civs, especially Britons. Late game civs: Mongols - Yup, made both lists. (Updated January, 2025, +8 builds) These builds are up to date with current Age of Empires 2 Definitive Meta. I like to go archers against most civs, but if you're up against strong archer civ or fall behind I go for skirms. Like which civs have the strongest archer rush; knight rush, drush, Maa rush, etc. There is nothing wrong with playing cav civs though, if you find yourself also playing archers, mangonels Other civs that fit the bill are Japanese, Britons, and Byzantines. One of the fastest rushes in the game for most civilizations! Create three Militia as early as possible in the Dark Age and use them to distract your opponent while they're trying to build their economy in the early game. Or the more new style drush baguette plus spear and one range going up at 18 pop full crazy. It's true that Britons out range the Mayans, but with the presence of rams in the front line; their range becomes useless and that is because in age of empires 2, all archer/powder units automatically target attack the closer enemy unit; as a result rams absorb a lot of arrows while the Mayans wipe out every single Briton archer. Jan 5, 2025 · Hera’s build orders pdf has finally arrived. Drush flush, or maa into archers, or scouts to skirm/arch or to kts. Vs archer civs it depends how well my xbow opening does. Can I have some advice about civs that fitting perfectly for beginner (archer civ, infantry civ and horse-riding civ idk how to properly call sry) From my experience till high 1400 arabia is mostly cav dominated map, and most of players play cav civs better than archer and inf civs. You get wheelbarrow in Feudal and Handwagon in Castle. What of the turks/Portuguese, does gold bonuses make up for overall slower eco? Or is it viable to go for spanish inquisition, even though you need a castle? Doing a drush into a fast castle is a solid strategy, feudal aggression isn't that good for the Spanish due to lacking crossbowmen and no bonuses for light cavalry. The current OP civs are Chinese, Aztecs, Persians and Mayans. Almost a waste not to drush. Reason being you have berries for longer, so more food, as well as a better chance to get a quick Archer transition. But the key is win time. Civs with strong halb-siege compositions and a unit with high melee armor also work, as Slavs, Celts, and especially Teutons do well against them. If his drush didnt do much damage but he had tcs up earlier your eco might not be too far behind (especially if you had deer and eco upgrades, or if you were able to kill or delay villagers building his walls) some civs might outboom easily. You either want to drush or go for a men at arms opening. You can consider going straight 23 pop flush, skipping the drush altogether. Woad raiders require a lot of food, and you won't have the eco for it The de-facto main build/strategy for AoE 2 is the Drush, which involves rushing with 3/5 militia + scout in the Dark Age. . Man-at-arms - Build militia on the way up to Feudal. Without the military, you're vulnerable to a feudal rush and losing map control. Teutons are ok, their farming bonus allows them 1 lesss vill on wood too. All of their bonuses are amazing for early and midgame strats. Additionally, if you are going for a drush (a viable strategy with Aztecs) the extra gold bonus means you can typically add one more militia than a generic civ. The drush > FC build order provided in the spreadsheet is for crossbows, not UU. Late game they complement each other well in unit composition too, and faster working Monastery just puts the Aztec monk rush on another level. 15% discount on gold units is pretty big. Mayans are good on maps where you can go drush fc into plumes. Most civs are the same until late Castle Age when Knights and Bloodlines makes a difference. But starting in dark age both civs should have different game plans. Recently, I have found a lot more success playing as Mayans and going drush into archers, and then usually expanding into elite eagles, archers or skirms The civs that can't wall properly and lack late game bonuses. they also have a very strong eco, their barracks produces faster, and the eagle is stronger than a scout in a drush mayans - due to their natural food lasting longer, they basically get a free drush. 5 militia drush, strong m@a, early imp eagle flood, with the option to switch into very strong champs or jaguars if the situation dictates. I'd recommend a civ with an open tech tree and no real gimmicky disadvantages and good defences. Attacking will buy you time to safely go Fast Castle and then maintain the pressure with Crowssbows. If you want to pull off a difficult build that requires finding more food early (say, a drush into archers), Incas are the easiest to pull it off with because they have the best scouting. If they have good archers I play 1 range skirms and walls. For example, among Bantu speakers we have: the Swahili civilization founded on trade across the Indian Ocean, Great Zimbabwe, the Kongolese conversion to Catholicism, the drama of the Bunyoro and Buganda kingdoms Lithuanians can do a no-idle-time 22 pop premill drush into MaA build that ends up with 6 men at arms compared to a normal build's 3; however if the opponent has already small-walled, it's sort of pointless and you would've been better off doing 20 pop maa-tower. same idea as archer counts, never ever let them go down until ur collapse close trading. Compared to archery based civs, my eco is very simple and hard to mess up. The BO I know is 23 villager up time. Faster military creation, good eco bonus, as well as +50 gold. This is due their economic bonuses are not as strong as civs like mayans, vikings or britons. In standard Age of Empires 2 games, each player is limited to a population of 200 units, shared between their economy and military units. Is what comes to my mind, probably forgetting many good ones. Aztecs for me go-to. And they have wide tech trees. This disparity explains why we have divergent civ drafts in single-map tournaments like KotD. Generally really like opening castle age with xbows and then transition into whats needed. True dat. IMO, the best civs for countering a Spaghetti Drop are Mongols and Malay because they can get up to Feudal fastest, which means they can more effectively build an extra layer of stone walls. The Nuzlocke Challenge is a set of rules intended to create a higher level of difficulty while playing the Pokémon games. Depending on elo if you want to play inf into castle and maybe add some skirms to help vs archer… at a low enough elo a well timed and executed drush followed by maa and skirm would be extremely effective (educated guess). (Which became the standard response to the 2-M-Drush in later stages of KotD. Celts - Remove drush > FC > UU. There are 45 civilizations in total. Persians, Khmer, Slavs, maybe also Chinese and Indians) which don't have a particularly strong rush in itself but as the game progresses they become really good. Berbers suck balls vs archer+halb civs. Its quite a difficult strat to execute (especially with walling behind this) but very powerful. Age of Empires II Build Guides. While you build 3-4 castles and massing up your mangudai, you expect aztec and Indians to sit idle at thier home while they can produce from stables and barracks, that too with Indian camels bonus against buildings. Second, drush is the best opening in the current meta so being extremely weak to it is already enough to bump them down to mid-tier on Arabia maps. It is more easy than it seems. Then, you switch to archers. As an aggressive player, I love me some Aztecs ngl. Obviously straight archers or drush fc are better for when you get more wallable maps, but im wondering if it's worth it to go m@a into archers, since you delay your archers and castle time in favour of being agressive. Clear win condition: get map pressure and take relics, close with very strong paladins. Civs like Chinese, Portugese and maybe Persians are the really wide ones in my eyes as they barely have bonuses pushing them in one way early. You could argue for boomy cav civs (e. Barracks needs to be built at 7 min as well. Hi, the strategy decision depends a lot on the map and the civilizations bonus as well. Can I drush into cav archers? I'll try that. Mostly xbow into camel monk kts vs an opponent going knights. In my low-elo opinion I would say probably Lithuanians. That reminds me that i would add indians to the non beginner friendly civs, bc they cannot train knights, which is one of the most powerful units in castle age and easy to play with. Maybe take a day to get real good at the knight rush build order, takes quite a bit longer to become good at feudal warfare while managing your economy. On a closed map, drush/fc might be best, but drush flush gets even better since now it's really easy to defend vs scouts. Mayans for Men-at-Arms Archers. meso 10x outscales on feud opens. Again pretty big bonus. 1. The base game (The Age of Kings) was released with 13 civilizations, 5 were added in The Conquerors, 5 in The Forgotten, 4 in I'm playing archer civs a lot, mainly mayans, and im wondering what is the best opening in the current arabia gen. If you know you wont do damage, the militia are just there to soak up enemy APM while you try to out macro. Lithuanians. ) There is limited room in the gameplay systems and mechanics for new civs. Spotting a drush is very easy. Jan 20, 2021 · I got matched with the same player twice and both times he drushed me. Hello! I was just wondering what people though the best civilizations for every rush are. Celts with the eco bonus plus the laming bonus, earlier Drush, easier Drush-FC, they're close to S-Tier I think. Pretty much the only rushing strategy they CAN'T do is drush into men-at-arms, since their food eco will be just a tad behind everyone else's, and drushing is a pretty food-intensive strategy. Not having to collect 10 gold for drush, cheaper archers, cheaper kts, both FU, access to BBC, Portus are extremely scary if they manage to grab momentum, which they can do quite easily thanks to their easy drush, but you have to maintain momentum with them so the decisionmaking with Portus tends to be harder than with a civ like Franks, Liths I like pre mill drush fc with good archer civs like Britons, Ethiopians etc. I used to go straight 2 range archers all the time now i have been going maa rush into 1 range archers. ) It introduces balance issues and further complicates the multiplayer environment. I can see the logic, and all civs you mentioned have some sort of bonus that comes in handy when booming, but I think you underappreciate being up early and building those additional TCs faster OR having less not-vill-production-time on your TCs while booming. Vikings for learning all the different variations. (Drush Flush, Drush FC, even drush + towers might be an option) Used to be way better in AOC with free loom as you would gain 1 vill advantage from the start untill others get loom, but it's still one of the best drushes in the game. You can do a defensive drush with post mill drush, which "counters" the premill drush. Standard BO has 24 villager up time. Straight archers - No pre-archer military. Classic Drush FC Build to push your enemy on Dark Age and rush your Castle Age while gaining time with your militia. M@A rush and adding in skirms is one at a good skill level and with the right map 2x relic bonus for Lithuanians aside, they're both great drush civs to put both opponents on the back foot and gain the overall lead heading into early castle age for the relic rush. Then hold the front with cavalier/krepost/konnik while raiding with hussar from side stables azt are one of the strongest early imp civs. Judging by this ranking you seem to value increased gather rates for food/ wood and saving a few resources per farm or vill. g. Inca player here, I generally open with premill drush though you can apply it to Aztecs. Their hunt bonus gives them access to literally any opening play you want in dark and feudal age. Quickwalls can counter even a premill drush so I've kinda switched back to regular drush. I… In that case you want to put pressure on them as early as you can so drush > flush, m@a, trush etc. I think civs that struggle in dark age due to no eco bonus will be a lot more viable. But sometimes, a civilization gets both. All civs are good at towers. mongols and meso civs, never lose ur first, hunt in packs. Spanish: Built 30% faster and FU on land maps. also turks for mass the best civs for this are: aztecs - free loom, means 5 militia instead of 3, and no need to take gold. twitch. Here's the cav civs I recommend, aside from Franks since you play them already. How much you invest into each is determined partly by the above mentioned techs. bring rams not onager. Britons) I like this approach more than drush -> fc. There's a lot and lot of civs, so easiest would be to focus yourself on knowing one civ as your main civ (or like 3, 4 civs with different strengths, like an archer civ, a knight civ, a more defensive civ, a meso civ whatever you feel like). And of course I understand all civs are situational, but during TEC I've seen more Goths/Turks picks (even when all civs were allowed) than for example Huns (#1 civ). cav line has divergence cav transfer ups tho more useful. i think the best way to do this would be to go ahead with civs that give cheaper infantry, like goths or with civs that have good food collection bonusses like mongols with hunting bonuses and cav archer bonusses. Consider an example of you opening with drush -> skirms vs an enemy that is doing M@A -> archer. Best civs should be probably goths and mesos, early aggression/tower civs should be good aswell, even persians for douching is pretty strong Eagle/Slinger is probably better against Archer civs than Eagle/Skirm because most Archer civs will want to make infantry against Eagles (see Vikings, Japanese, Ethiopians, Britons), but that's a double-gold comp, and can mostly wait until they make the (usually slow and costly) switch to infantry. Ones that aren't really: spanish archers, chinese drush. I'm an okay player, but I always struggle against Drush and M@A rushes. Or maybe your militia die during the drush, so you go scouts or fast castle behind. Meso civs (Aztecs, Mayans, and Incas) can't do a scout cavalry rush. if flank goes maa- archers or drush- archers, scouts are a great addition, bc you can attack either flank or pocket on opposing team, eispecaily if pocket does FC. Each player therefore needs to specialise in order to use their population more efficiently. Berbers - faster vills and cheaper cavalry. Jump over feudal age while gaining time with your militia. Except the spear is made in dark age, making the attack much stronger? Instead of waiting for MAA tech and then getting the spear. Mostly because they counter certain popular picks, turks counter aztecs, goths counter any archer civ. Like all openings though, it has its strengths and weaknesses depending on opponent opening, civs and map. Many civs can basically do everything you mention here early except the super fast drush. 1k6-7 elo. See full list on windowscentral. These are the civs to consider. Lithuanians are also good for this but you'll need more on wood and use the food bonus to be able to afford villagers and milita. Still, im not sure what you can do against a M@A opening, and playing defensively can backfire on you. I agree with the idea of archers civs not being the best in most players hands. With no stable available, the Eagle-civs are very bound to Drush- or M@A-openings (which they have good bonuses for) and then Archers throughout Feudal Age. around 1500 elo it works wonders I’ve had the most success with Bulgarians on Hideout and Gold Rush, of the current 1v1 maps. You can be really greedy with deer pushes due to their civ bonus of knowing the enemy location, which usually means you can pill up a lot of pressure early. A question about your play style to start things off: Which random map(s) do you prefer to play most often? (You may pick more than one), 2. A drush always at the very least significantly limits the enemy options and grants you pace control if pulled off correctly. Eco is amazing, all-in eagles, monks, and siege is Dark Age: They have an eagle, which with their bigger LOS means that they are much faster at scouting all of your resources and also are better at laming than your non eagle civs. Would be just a little bit more info that can be handy. Starting with scouts gives me a great amount of mobility and I can easily outrun my counters. I like opening drush/MAA when it makes sense to do so to disrupt enemy eco, but same concept afterwards: One range archers, wall as needed, and get up to Castle ASAP. 731 votes, 57 comments. +5 carry allows for 10%+ faster farms, 15% military creation bonus allows u to get militia out sooner, and the Ok, thanks. The Vietnamese pick is if you wanna learn to lame, which I dont recommend for beginners. Knight siege and a castle age finish is the way to go here or at least a really good map position from where you can control the game. Which rushing strategies do you want your civ to thrive at? (choosing 2-3 favourites will give the best quiz results) I play them by defending with pikes/skirms till castle and then going for cataphract+skirms against archer civs or caraphract+camel against cav civs. Against archer civs you can whittle down the archer numbers and prevent a deathball building. I've just discovered aoe2 for me and this is an awesome game, but I don't know what civ fits most for beginner, I've already tried Goths and this is okay civ as I understood. -Their archery range is pretty good, but just outside their top tree. com/channel/UCFYYkZosXVL2t9w1DIkBCNg/videosMy Twitch: https://www. For example teutons with cheaper farms, have a farm bonus that kicks in early, vikings with free wheelbarrow/handcart get nice eco boosts aswell, allowing you to create more knights. Food bonus nice to get milita production rolling. Yeah i struggle with archer civs but i have been doing much better lately. like portuguese, with their gold discount and a small eco already set-up, they can go straight into archers or even pull-off their Fast Imp > Feitoria with less risk (this strat although a meme is quite viable if properly set in time due to gunpowder power spike against castle age units). Obvious example - since the days of Tge original AOE 2 Byzantines were considered the newbie civ. Post your personal stories, your comics, your favourite Nuzlocke links and pics, and anything else Nuzlocke-related. I made a test on Arabia with Franks and then with Burgundians, Drush-FC with 3 Militia and Walls. Any fast range play can be a bit faster too. "drush fast castle" is a way to get early aggression and map control while you boom behind and go quickly into castle age. One of my favorite civs for sure though. The two most important things are that you reflect on your games, and a clean dark age. Starting with the obvious: Persians, Lithuanians and Mongols for +100 resources, +150F and faster hunt Huns and bulgarians should work decently, drush with huns and m@a with bulgarians should be good openings, tower follow up is generally good aswell. com Celts is inargubly the best drush fc civ. As you have zero eco bonuses in dark age and no big gain from Castle (unlike f. Civs like Malians or Indians are trickier imo since they have more open tech trees and it can be harder for a newer player to figure out what units to make at different phases of the game. Going to Feudal earlier to have Wheelbarrow kick in earlier doesn't make sense if it delays your CA time in the end because you have to wait for food/gold to be collected, because delaying CA means delaying Handcart. once you learn the basic build orders for drush + fc and learn the basics of booming, you should practice 5 militia drush, then wall and do fast castle age, then make xbows and boom with 3 tcs, then get to imperial asap and raid with elite eagle warrios. Knights just murder feudal units, at lower levels especially. Early economy is more important than early military strength. For comments discussion: What is your stance on the addition of new civs? Poles: Stone miners generate gold so it tanks your economy a lot less than most civs & almost FU. A rush can be effective against any civ. While Huns were still great at that because they were an all around powerhouse civ, it was generally considered that aztec/mayans were better at it and generally preferred to play in a tournament 1v1 ara setting. A community for AoE2 enthusiasts to drush or maa This. Portugese. Pressure your enemy from the dark age onwards. Yet this guy placed them super low, while at the same time placed Britons as S tier contradicting himself as he said multiple times that cav civs are easier to learn - on top Brits that are super one-dimensional and stupidly easy countered at the Ranking is hard coz I'm suspectable to change my mind as I type my list but for straight up tower rushing and no m@a support this is my top 10 ranking. Drush fc is fine because you can either go xbows right away with 8-10 archers you produced or 2 stable knights, which is a bit slower but still kinda ok or play super defensive and go for a boom and take the eco approach. Standard 22 villager up time. Mostly players struggling to get advantage of certain time windows. Man at arms into archers (or drush into archers) is particularly good for archer civs that want to get into that part of the game faster rather than Civs are generally classified along their speciality (infantry, archer, cavalry are main, siege and monks also play a role) The earliest rush is the drush (dark age rush) performed with militia, all Civs can do it. Next are the feudal rushes (flush). 5 militia drush FC is so fun to do. Tech trees make a difference once the Imperial Age hits. In a 2 player team, it is sensible for one player to prioritise Cavalry and the other player to prioritise Archers. Have been trying to work on my game a little more when playing random civs, and I have found it difficult to make great, great army comps that I'm really comfortable with using the meso civs. I would just do a pre-mill drush with those. tv/HeraMy Discord: https://discord. For me berbers have an answer to everything any civ can throw at you, getting to those answers isn't always easy though. The game includes all the civilizations from the base game “Age of Kings” and the various expansions like The Conquerors, The Forgotten, The African Kingdoms, Rise of the Rajas, Lords of the West, Dawn of the Dukes, and Dynasties of India. I'm thinking of huns and goths. Drush-flush: is to continuing the drush with a feudal rush. These are my top 6 civs for doing a Pre-Mill Drush with! All of them have strong bonuses which make doing Pre-Mill drushes quite a bit easier, and of course not every civ that has bonuses has been men Defensive towers are mainly useful to defend against offensive towers or when you don't have enough military to defend a key resource, usually gold. I also add blacksmith asap so I can pressure easily. First of all, you can never really "repel" a drush. Civs with infantry bonuses are also quite effective, though you will need to mine 10 gold for your third militia. Fast Castle, Scout Rush, Archer Rush, Tower Rush and more drush + fc is a good ole standard for a lot of civs, goths actually seem somewhat average at it, but their castle age and beyond is where they really shine so getting there quickly is ideal. Mongols are my first main and I recommend them as well if you want to learn the true meaning of aggression. Quick mention to the insta-drush Lithuanian and the Berber-vill rush which technically was a drush 🥲🪦 Britons for Drush FC. - one of the best dark age bonuses, which opens up some strong feudal openings. And the civs that have early game bonuses like celts, mongols, vietnamese and bulgarians. What comes after that then really depends. Once you get to castle just start pumping out Knights and get a castle as soon as possible to get your late castle advantage, because in imp the Spanish fall behind several other civs. I lost like 4 vils to the drush and a lot of idle time so I eventually lost both matches. The 2 militia drush is a more common strategy because your vill time isn't wasted in collecting 10 gold, so the number of viable civs are so much more. Their Drush and their Uptime will not be as great as those from other good Drush-FC-Civs, but they can turn that into a strong early-Castle-Age-eco which can be terrifying if you manage to get there. In any case, M@A are very viable for most civs in feudal. Some infantry Civs are better than average. Civs I don't recommend for starting players: Goths, Turks, Huns, Chinese and all Meso civs (including incas) additional info: MAA is a good opening for archer civs against scouts civs but is weak vs straight archers so I would not use it against civs that are likely to go archers, also not a good option if you happen to get a somewhat close version of arabia. I see people sometimes linking to stats-sites that use old data (such as ageofstatistics), so I thought it might be interesting to look at the top 5 1v1 ranked civs in the current patch: Highest winrate civs (1v1 ranked, patch 66692) Or, in text: Franks Hindustanis Berbers Gurjaras Spanish The Poles just barely missed the cut! Civs, I think need to be tested more with not s strongest, but underrated eco bonuses: Slavs. They are great vs most cavalry civs, and opposing camel civs, but not so much against civs that will get imp first with a mass of xbow that turns into arb with some pikes with the free upgrade (which will prob soon be halbs) in front and a castle to allow them to treb down any of your defenses. These are my top 6 civs for doing a Pre-Mill Drush with! All of them have strong bonuses which make doing Pre-Mill drushes quite a bit easier, and of course Against cavalry civs, eagles can support spears/archers defending against scouts or force the enemy to send them home by raiding; giving you time for walls or archers. Goth wants to get to castle age fast with avoiding eco damage. Aztecs also have a superior Drush with the extra gold, slight eco bonus and much better scouting. It's funny but everytime I try a drush they seem to work really well, but I just don't like going archers so much as I guess i find it hard to keep map control and they get wiped out easy as I'm careless. Mangudai are probably my favorite unit. I have tried mixing in pikes and monks but then upgrade costs mean I am behind on tcs. Drush -> Flush. Once you know both build orders I recommend that you switch between those 2 every game, this helps you remember them more easily and is a realistic situation in There's possibly even the factor of the 3MAA rush + spear vs cav civs. Scouts would be my personal favorite, supported by skirmishers if needed, but drush, m@a and 2 range are still viable. ) There are more than enough civs to represent the various civilizations people want to add. Then i will play 1 or 2 range depending on opponents civilisation. No delay between clicking attack and firing the arrows allow for optimal micro and eco harassment. Aztecs with full walls is easy to defend in Castle thanks to the monks and siege. Yup. The playable civilizations in Age of Empires II are based on prominent civilizations of the post-classical period, from the fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century to the Renaissance era during the 15th - 16th century. We mostly rate based on potential, which admittedly skews it. If I had to pick one I'd say mongols is the one, since their bonus ends quite early and you need to hit hard before reaching castle and mangudai. 3. Wall and a few spears. Against a couple of civs it's better to drush, wall and go for a FC, but you need to remember that lithus aren't great at booming, so be careful. I don't take as much damage as I used to, but it's still a lot (idle time). I’ve also had success with drush/MAA into double rax eagles. By Spirit of the Law, 1. Just to nip the Knight thing in the bud, Knights need alot of Food to use and Farming is very slow, especially since you have to sacrifice 800 Food to reach the Castle Age, and that's why most You can do a 18 pop up with more civs than Lithuanians and Mongols. Drush has always been difficult for me and requires really good micro and enemy/eco awareness. Out of the expansion civs, I feel like Ethiopians, Berbers, and Burmese are good ones with the specialties that make them fairly straightforward to play. So assuming that you are not expecting one so youre building a stable or archery range when his drush arrives and you still do not have units trained yet. Yes, I've been too fixated on scouts opening. I'm not totally sure why except that it must work better in practice than 23 pop flush. My top 5 by winrate in 1v1 with civs I've played at least 15 matches: Khmer (imo the only civ that can open straight archers in 1v1) Vietnamese (great drush into archers, due to their scout bonus) Indians (great eco bonus, good castle age camels and FU cav archers, though inflated by African clearing) Learn to Drush and Flush yourself when appropriate, normally fast castles follow drushes, and flushing has become an integral part of the metagame for most civs and generally should be done since avoiding feudal age aggression isn't usually viable. I was just thinking a few extra civs could open with drush, like aztecs, and others transition into knights instead of archers, like Magyars or Persians. In feudal, almost all strategies are viable for almost all civs. Drush archer, a more micro intensive build - Same goes here, with knight civs you can still go crossbow (except spanish and Bulgarians), but later switch to cavalry or add pike siege. qutr zguik rtw roszl ljptqxk lodt fzxikb gzzllh stwvc lheoyii