How many pull ups is good reddit. And than I am not that strong on the top of the pull up.
How many pull ups is good reddit If someone who is a fellow pedantic pull up geek asks you, answer the number of proper form with slow eccentric movements, tell them the number of That’s a good amount of volume for burpees and pull-ups. What helped me get there: rowing, push-ups, planks (yes, a stronger core will help you do pull-ups!) sit-ups, bicep curls, butterfly curls. To increase my pull/chin ups from 0 to 4/5 I had to get lighter and increase progress on lat pull downs mostly. My record is 10 pull-ups per set, but that was years ago. Sets 1 and 2 can probably do more but almost dying from sets 3-4. I worked up to that over about 6 weeks and I'm used to it now. I would do 5 sets of 10, the add one or two pull ups to the set when that got easy. From doing only one pull up to 3-4 sets of 8. Test somebody's weighted pull-up at 12 reps and then again at 20 and you'll see. Once you get to 10 sets of 2 pull ups, then do 1 set of 3 pull ups and 9 sets of 2 pull ups. As long as your doing pull ups with correct form bro nothing else matters. Best advice I can give is volume. so my routine is like, each time walk through the door, 5 pull up, 10 push up, 10 squats, something like that haha. If someone hasn't done pull-ups before, they'll find it very difficult to even do one. You’re definitely strong enough to start training for it, but pushing your reps for pull-ups and dips higher and higher won’t be too helpful. In the same boat. That's not to say you should do that, it just happens to work for me. For me personally negative pull-ups (or isometrics) don’t trigger my distal biceps tendonitis but normal pull-ups do. The guy who used to compete in Greco at 57 kg (130lb) did 55 pull ups and he was a national team member So if you're below 175lb-170lb you should be able to do 30+ to be considered elite. on a good day? bout 20. Im asking how many pull ups I should be able to do before trying to train for one arm pull ups without failing on 1st rep or injuring myself. Since your back is your weakest link, pull-ups should be the most common, though, possibly add wide grip pulls as well. my max was when i was training almost exclusively in bodyweight calisthenics i managed 27 pull ups at an army pull up thing in the cafeteria in highschool. I did pull-ups for a long time but I used to be much lighter (at 145lbs I could do 11 pull-ups). Also, it is worth doing variations (chin-ups, wide grip pull-ups, commando pull-ups, etc. Wide grip pull ups are definitely harder at first, but based on the advice of people who focus on high rep training, wide grip is better for higher reps because it reduces the distance from top to bottom. (The loop type). When I started training I could do like 5 (terrible form) pull ups, but keep in mind I was fairly athletic and lean at that point. 5 sets of dips to failure, and 3 sets of pull ups NOT to failure, like halfway. The simplest way to do more pull ups is to weigh less. So how is it possible that you could do 5 one arm pull ups, but not be able to do 15 pull ups? You're overthinking this. In addition to any routine you are doing, put a pull-up bar in the most used doorway of your home. Sep 22, 2024 · So I’m definitely not in the best shape, but I’m not in bad shape, ya know? I’m 20 years old, only 5’7-5’9ish, and weight around 135, Oct 19, 2024 · After 2-3 weeks of little to no pain I recently implemented dips and pull ups back into my routine. Also you fan focus on muscles that might be week. However, I can at most do 15 full chin-ups at a time, or 11 full pull-ups. Aim for 5 to eventually 10 seconds on the negative for each rep. Tried to do a few weighted pull ups and then took it off. 4 pull ups when untrained isn't that much especially for that bodyweight. So i want train for muscle ups, but currently I'm not able to do them. I'm not entirely sure what the disconnect is, and any help would be Personally I'm not a massive fan of pull up negatives I find them a little high risk. I once went from 185 to 168 kind of on accident, and was shocked at how many pull-ups I could rip through. You up it by one until 10. Throughout a 1. 5 hour normal gym session (usually 5 days a week) I would just go and do around a set of 2 pull-ups every 10-15 minutes. That means the extra volume is helping you get better at the part of the pull up you already do well, and not helping much with the part you are struggling with. Also do explosive weighted dips on a bar down to your chest and explode up. (I have mine in my office. I ended up with good looking lats, good looking triceps from pressing, and deflated looking biceps. V6 onsight, V9 max. There’s a world of progression with pull ups. Losing weight helps tremendously, but can be counter productive overall. Last time I tried training for 300 pull ups in an hour but I realised it might be too taxing for your joints, especially if you value training longevity. If you are overweight, weighing less will increase your pull ups. I didn’t train pull-ups for quite a while until maybe last Easter of 2019, now I can do about 7 reps of 3 sets of pull-ups. 5h) as I've read that it's a good method to increase pull-ups. Been doing weighted pull ups and chin ups for months, of course I am far from 50 (in a row) but I feel like it is possible… On a good day, two or three. This gives me a good measure "out of 10" for my fitness: if I can do 5, then my fitness is 5/10, etc. It's not exactly apples to apples. Hello, everyone. 27/178/5'10 8 is my current PR. I changed my 300 pull ups in an hour challenge to 300 reps in an hour. That got me from doing 5-7 good pull ups to 30 fairly quickly. Firstly, how many reps is a good range to aim for when adding extra weight? Finger pull ups absolutely result in higher forces through your fingers than just handing from the same edge. Chest to bar, or close to it. Got my dip up to 15kg additional weight and feel better than ever. Fitnessfaqs videos helped me a ton to have good form on both, pull ups and rows. The set I use for that I think was marketed for pull-up progressions. If you want to progress on pull up, focus on pull up. As you might know, 9 different muscles connect to the thumb alone and move it. if it was me id just keep maxing out on pull up sets throughout the day each day. lat pulldowns are good if you are trying to build raw lat strength, but pull ups need core strength and coordination too, to control your legs and keep First you explained why I don't like chinups. He held on like he's got all day in him. Pull-ups have always been my favorite upper-body exercise (or maybe the favorite exercise of all), I always (!) knew how to do them correctly, i. this guy on yt did 100 pullups a day for I can do two reps with 45lbs attached and 13-14 fresh in one set. When you can hit 15 good pull ups. Yet, many people neglect their thumb strength - even though a strong thumb substitutes a big forearm! To substitute my forearm strength, i've started exchanging normal pull ups for towel pull ups every 4th or 5th It's obviously not 1:1, I even say pull-ups are harder in the post. 8 muscle ups, about 15 hollow pull ups or widegrips full ROM. 11 votes, 10 comments. There's a video of him, casually knocking out 15 clean effortless pull ups, mixing grips whilst hanging on the monkey bars and going along them. You have poor pull-up strength--do more pull-ups. I found it really helpful back then when I could barely do 2 pull-ups. Finally today I managed to do 7 again. So currently you're at 25s total and you want to get to 80s total I'd do 8 sets per workout. i . I had been training weighted pull ups with added 20kg before. good. I think this is why so many people consider pull ups such a good Now 2-3 years later, after all the late nighters and junk food, I became even more unhealthy. Because there are three of you, you get time to rest between during the rotation. Within two months I had tennis elbow. That's how I went from about 2 pull-ups to about 6. At my peak I did pull ups for cardio, I could bank out 160 L-sit pull ups by 10 rep sets in a bit 240 push ups at 20 rep sets and it was a breeze. Pull-ups have always felt really difficult, but I would love to hit 20 at once. Sounds good enough for the girls I go out with. I do push-ups, pull-ups, and squats every other day: at least 100 pull-ups, 200 push-ups, and 300 squats. You don’t necessarily have to do pull ups 2x/week, but if you’re pulling something 2x/week, that’s a good dose of frequency for training the primary back musculature. Secondly, doing pull ups will absolutely help you grow the strength to do more pull ups. I'm 205 with a gut and I can do 7-8. Curious if pull ups can be compared to fitness level? Not in the way you think, they're quite heavily related to bw, and bw can be muscle or fat, if you're not a bodybuilder and float around 15-20% fat, the spectrum of 5% there can be the difference between 4 and 10 reps. And than I am not that strong on the top of the pull up. I'm in good shape and work out regularly but pull-ups have always killed me. Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. Pull-ups are my favourite exercise, I usually do sets of 10-12 and I've recently started adding some extra weight, but I have some questions about it. Lots of it is neutral grip, or fat grip chins, and it's usually for 3 or more, never for a max single, but he's still programming weighted pull-ups as part of his normal routines. J Strength Cond Res This. Look up a diy resistance band bar btw, easy to make from big box store for 10-30 bucks. I've gotten up to 5x6 90lb pull-ups in 6 months. Basically, as many decent ones as I could do, plus a couple of bad-but-not-too-bad ones. Start off with negative pullups (look it up) and you'll soon have some lats and bigger biceps and you'll be well on your way to full-fledged pullups. Stuck for quite a while. Thanks for the simple tip 25 pull ups with just body weight, or 3 sets of 10 with 35lbs added. Hopefully it will improve my overall form. I can do 12-15 normal pull ups and i can also do 3-4 pulls ups with 20kg attached to me (in the beginning when I'm not tired yet). Actually the pull-up is a pretty good indicator of upper body strength, one of the many components to be measured in order to assess 'overall fitness. It wasn't long ago (less than a year) that I did my first pull up. I found that many of my body weight exercises (pull ups, dips, etc. Built up to 5x5 with 45 lbs added. I work out sometimes and the most pull-ups I can do personally is 4 consecutive ones in good form IRL. You can keep doing this until you get up to 10 sets of 5 pull ups. Most people do pull ups so they can build their lats. Can't upvote this enough. i can do like half a pull up? maybe 0. On a good day, and on a Rogue squat rack pull-up bar, I can do 17 strict form pull-ups, 10 L-sit pull-ups or 3-4 weighted pull-ups (with 60 lbs attached). Don’t rush the progression. For intensity: a variety of the 3 progressions for me: L pull-ups (begin in a tucked pull-up; pull your tuck up higher; begin to extend one leg; completely straighten and alternate legs; L pull-up); weighted pull-ups (fairly self-explanatory, but beginning to do a few sets with your 'next' level progression of weight in your pull-up warm-ups For example, starting a session at 5 pull-ups, and increasing it by 1 per set until you’ve reached 15 pull-ups, then working your way back down to 5. In addition to dips and pull-ups you need something for your lower body. Tried seeing how many pull ups I can do one time was 12. Eccentrics (negatives) build more strength than concentrics alone. The best way to do that is to do pull ups for volume, and to supplement with weighted pull ups if you'd like. I am not asking how many pull ups I should be able to do to immediately be able to do one arm pull up. So I will use chinups to work the top position of my pulls for a few weeks. Staying to low reps. I have a pull up bar at home and I do atleast a good 40-50 a day before you know it your back will start getting wide man. F = ma. I can bang out 5 at any time. I did not have a pull up bar at home, but at the gym, I would go and do 2 pull-ups every so often. Currently I'm trying to do sets of 5 with 25 lbs, as many sets as I can resting 1-2 minutes. Just wanted to share my experience. Good for pack marches or adding weights to lunges, squats etc. I'd do banded or foot supported pull ups. I I guess I should say I'm 29M, 187cm (6'1), 89kg (196lb). still around 12-15. Having the endurance to hit 3x8, 3x10, or 3x12 bodyweight pull ups, however, really helps you yield and handle the slight increase in weight better and can allow you to progress more. im sure having half the school hype me up kinda helped a bit. Here are the recommended prerequisites for muscle ups: 10 chest to bar pull ups - the lower the better 10 deep dips very slow muscle up negatives. You can try decline (eccentric) pull-ups, which is something like a "half pull-up. I always do my pull ups from dead hang. 5 RPE (currently that would be pull up with 15kg) 1x 6-8 rep range with 8/8. 25 but i get a pass cos my doctors dont let me physically exert myself :P You can concentrate on the pull-ups, rather than squeezing your legs together. So they dismiss it. I've been into pull ups recently, and I've moved into weighted ones. I wouldn’t superset for actual power training too, like if you’re on one arm pull-ups and etc, it makes no sense to me to superset. you want to have balance in pushing/pulling motions. I always considered pulling to be my weak side. I'm at about 10 max right now, but I don't work them 3-4 times per week like I used to, maybe once or twice a week as part of a larger 6-day routine these days. Usually I'd go 1 super set of pull-up, dips, crunch, push-up, crunch, push-up, crunch, push-up. The thumb is very active in this pull up variation. Do as many pull ups as you can do and even do a partial and count those as reps then finish the sets with 5 to 10 second negatives. Weighted pullups to 50%+ and 15 pullups is generally a good idea. Train it three times a week building up to a light medium and hard day with something like 30, 50, and 75 reps of pull-ups each session. From what I see the problem is usually the top half and most can do the bottom half at least once without a problem. Namely, it ensures that you have pretty good connective tissues strength and won't get things like tendinopathy rapidly. Obviously many pullups = stronger = better obstacle completion, but it's not a necessity. 8 and 10 two days later. If someone asks you how many pull ups you can do, and they're not a pedantic connoisseur of fine pull ups, then answer how many regular style yeet your head above the bar type pull ups you can do. Try to do as many pull-ups or dips as you can, then wait 2 minutes, then do a second set, then rest 2 minutes, then try a third. My guess, I reckon he could clear his chin over the bar for about 40 reps. For greasing the groove, how many sets should I aim for and how many pull-ups should I do per set? I can do around 8 pull-ups now (testing my max tomorrow). e. I How good is your form? 8 pull ups is more than most people can do and pain is often the result of poor form. I had to climb up to the bar's height and practice just holding my chin above the bar and breathing deeply. Like 10 sets to start out. Dead hang. 70 push-ups and 5 pull-ups in one set. If your goal is hypertrophy, doing pull ups, chin ups AND curls is optimal, but if your goal is just strength you're okay just doing pull ups, chin ups and potentially one arm chin/pulls, which are extraordinarily hard on the biceps. I would then finish the workout with lat pull down, row, low row, front pull down, high row, bent over row, doing either 3x10 or 10,8,6 for each exercise. But I know that's a long way off still! But doing that first one unassisted was so motivating! 38 years, first time I managed to do it. How about you guys? I can't really say OP, as I'm not so sure of my own pull-push situation. I did a pull up program separate from usual gym stuff at home (3 times a week) so I just used a good backpack when I started with a bunch of 10 lb standard plates then I switched to a weight belt after some time. Edit: I appreciate all the complements guys, but truly what I said is not as impossible as you make it sound. You could actually add weight to your pull ups once you can do even 3x5 bodyweight pull ups. This time last year I couldn’t do a pull-up not could I bench press the bar. Started using a 45lb vest when doing pull ups. It took two key items to really unlock pull-ups for me, but I must admit…max reps was never my goal. Current general guidelines recommend training each muscle group at least 2x/week. I wanted to be able to do a pull-up with +100% bodyweight. I climb 5. An ambitious goal, for sure, but one I'm determined to achieve. true. If I can't do 10, I'm not fit. kip technique Try doing single to triples of max effort explosive pull ups, and simply do more pull ups in general. I’ll use them for pull-ups or dips when it want or need to go lighter for some reason. Basically, working out your entire upper body will help make it possible. And then there’s the arched back pull-up which trains the upper back more than the (hollow body) chin-up. But the method I'd use would be total time to progress. I could do lat pull downs at more than my body weight, but I could only do 2 pull ups. Can't even pick up my six year old niece anymore because I have to support that extra weight on my back, but I can still do things that take that weight There’s a lot of people doing challenges of up to 100 pull ups a day and never experienced any issues. Most people don't do a high number of pull-ups because they just don't care about pull up 60 votes, 12 comments. I'm still on 3x5, except the first rep of the first set is a full chin-up, and the second rep of the first set is 3/4 of a good chin-up. I'm 100kg+ so it looks more impressive than it sounds. If you want muscle ups = do weighted pull ups explosively - AND PULL YOUR ELBOWS DOWN HARD to your lats. That is without any pull-up specific training, same "pass the bar - got to do pull-ups". Lest you think he's throwing out pull-ups or chin-ups, I've run through his programs a couple of times, and pretty much every phase has some sort of pullup variation. I then spent some time doing 3-4 reps of pull ups throughout the days and sometimes with a little extra weight added. Developing hand grip and core strength can also help. It will be a slow growth tho, seeing maybe 1-2 extra reps after recovery and max attempt. doing them this way simulates the real pull-up motion as closely as possible. But somehow, all my efforts seem fruitless. Youdas et al (2010) Surface electromyographic activation patterns and elbow joint motion during a pull-up, chin-up or perfect pull up rotational exercise. Start the sets with as many pull ups as you can do then do the rest of your goal reps with pull up negatives. I never trained unweighted pull ups, just trained for OAC and got 20+ unweighted "for free". bad day. ) responded heavily to volume. Once you can do 10 unbroken, start adding weight, this will help add explosiveness when doing chest to bar pull-ups. As you get stronger, you can do more. my stats are 14F, 46kg, 149cm height, 143cm wingspan and just over 1 year of swimming (I train 5-6x a week now and have been dropping time like crazy compared to when I trained 3x per week). Negatives, my friend (aka eccentrics). It'll destroy you. Fast forward 4 years, we can now both do 10 pull-ups on a good day. I can do 2-4 pull ups. Max weight attached is 100lb (so 230 total). As you say, they don't feel good at the bottom. Trained pull ups twice a week for around 3 months split in the 11 months. Every time you walk through that door to exit, do pull ups to failure). have been only doing pull-ups, but I think that's bad. You do them to strengthen, not to talk about the measly +20lbs you are adding to your five reps. You don't need more pull ups, you need to focus on pulling yourself higher, keeping the weight as close to your wrists as you can (I don't use a false grip as such, but the bar is pretty close to my wrists), and being able to pull yourself up really really quickly. it is much more specific/targeted than an assisted pullup machine or working things in isolation like bicep curls. You know that you can do a lot of exercises with those rings other than pull-ups and dips, right? For you, I would recommend building up your pull ups more (10-15 is a good number to aim for), and for L-sit pull ups start with your knees tucked in, then slowly extend your legs (so maybe an L-sit with your knees bent at 90 degrees. While its possible finger pull ups aren't appropriate for you depending on your current finger strength and climbing experience, they are in no way pointless or reckless. Did two sets of 6 and 8 negatives one day. Finish out your sets with a few negatives and I bet you'll increase your overall pull-up strength. If you can only do 2 pull ups 5 times, then do 5 sets of 2 and 5 sets of 1 pull up. retracting your shoulders down and back and trying to squeeze the shoulder blades towards each other, thus moving the body upwards through engaging the lats. I’m currently trying to do 50 pull-ups a day in 10 sets of 5. I can do 85 good form push-ups in 2 minutes. I would like to get to the point I can do 100 push-ups 20 pull ups and 30 dips every morning and so far I’m only doing good on push ups. I found that some people are very good at pull, while others are very good at push. But if you can do like 15+ pull-ups and are doing pull-ups as your sets, I find it ok to superset 8-10 pull-ups with another exercise. May not sound like much to others but I’ve put in the work. I'm not certain how efficient My 2019 new years resolution was to do 20,000 pull-ups before 2020. Do sets of doubles until you hit 20 chin ups total during your workout (10x2). J Strength Cond Res16: 539-546, 2002. Wills, et al Differences in EMG activity due to handgrip position during the lat pulldown. Pull up, push up, dip. 30 pull ups on a bar (not chinups - not sure why you're using those as pull ups are more common in climbing). 11s and am trying to break into 5. While others experience tendonitis attempting to do pull ups everyday. If you are not overweight, you have to add strength to do more pull ups. Also, I was able to do like 4 chin-ups before I was ever able to accomplish a single pull-up. I was doing calisthenics at 14-16 years old. Do that 1, 2 or even 3 times a week and you'll see an improvement in your chin-up game very quickly. Try taking longer rests or doing 5 sets of 5 instead. Most people that can do a few normal pull-ups cannot do many if any very wide pull ups. If I get there, I'm planning to add weight. A week a go I bought a pull-up bar that attaches to the door and started doing pull-ups everyday. Once I switched to doing weighted pull ups on rings, everything cleared up almost immediately. So a few months ago I was only able to do max 7-8 pull up in a set. I do around 240 pull-ups a weeks spread out into 8 sets in my upper body workouts on Mondays and Thursdays, and then 100 pull-ups in as little sets as possible on Saturdays (record is 11 sets). If you can do 10 good strict pull ups, you are ready for weighted - just start with adding 5kg. 5 RPE (currently that would be pull up with 10kg) 1x unweighted pull up till technical failure (stop when I start using legs) Thank you in advance! Can anyone help me figure out a strategy to perform 11 pull-ups within the next two months, starting from a current count of zero? Recently, in a bout of friendly bravado, I found myself wagering €100 with a friend. Also, negatives help a ton. Instead of straight sets, try Grease the Groove like the guy above said OR try to accumulate as many full pullups as you can in a given amount of time (say, 20 minutes) ignoring the amount of sets. Example: I start with one, next two people do one each. Chin-ups and pull-ups both recruit the lats very well (albeit slightly differently but on the whole they both do a similarly good job). short arms make it easier to do a shit ton of pull ups but makes swimming a fast time harder (not impossible though) source: i swim a 50 free LCM in 40 and can do 13-14 pull ups. I can only do one or two most days (and with pull ups/chins that's all I can do), but it's that last symbolic thing I have. I’d like to get 25 in a row with 35lbs One thing I can say is that ive been training front lever solely for many months now with no pull up training & i can pull out 16 strict, so i feel fl training really helps pull up reps, especially fl pull up progressions. 172 lbs, 5'8" height, chin ups 5, pull ups 4, bent over BB row about 115 x 5-6 reps. It’s been two years since that time and I can now reliably pull-up with +120lbs (getting closer) and I can probably get 35-40 in a row if desired, but I don’t desire that… For me, I've always considered 10 pull ups to be an indicator of "being fit". I had been making lots of gains in push ups and several other general fitness exercises so I decided to go big on pull ups as well. Thinking of greasing the groove between classes (every 1h/1. Neutral grip/ pretty good form You can try the Russian fighter pull up program. Then back down. I started having elbow issues with both weighted pull ups and chin ups. 71 votes, 123 comments. You wouldn't just do negatives of a weight on squats you wanted to hit. with relatively good form EDIT: PERSONAL STORY: I have always been doing a lot of pull ups (20+ pull ups and 1 one'arm pull… Pull-ups use muscles that really aren't used for much else. . My current goal is to get to 10 pullups unassisted. 20 pull-ups is still barely cracking into endurance. As for negatives and the recommended routine, took me a long ass time to progress from negatives and even then when I could do a pull up it wasn't enough to do just those, but negatives alone were too little, so I started incorporating them, doing as many pull-ups as I could and Trained pull ups once a week for around 4 months split in the 11 months. My PR is 23 pull ups. Add 1 pull up every session. So 3x20 pull-up, 3x15 dip, 9x25 crunch, 9x20 push-up would be what I would do most days, I think it would usually take only 30 minutes, with maybe a 5 min break between each superset. So far I can do about 2 sets of 5 with a small break in between sets (about 1 minute). I'm speaking from experience here - I learned my lesson and I now do 125 votes, 128 comments. The eccentric part of pull-ups is a huge part of gainin strength. There is a great thread on reddit fitness that asked how people got to 20 reps On a good day I can do four clean pull-ups, and there aren't that many good days. Work up to 3 to 6 sets of 8-12 reps . This. Hey everyone, I am not very fit or athletic however have been trying to improve my diet and activity. " You start at the top and then slowly lower yourself down. Depends on how bad my back is, how bad the arthritis is, and if I've taken my pain meds recently. If your goal is to get better at pull ups, the extra volume is not a good use of your time. Way less than the 183. Jul 26, 2022 · This simple pull up calculator shows you how many pull ups you should be able to do based on your gender, body weight, and age. The bet: two months from now, I'll be able to complete 11 pull-ups. 184 votes, 87 comments. To cancel the swing try to pull your elbows behind your back, I used to have that swing thing going on. You’d be better off building up your strength and technique with muscle-up specific training (high/explosive pull ups, banded muscle ups, muscle up negatives, and weighted chins and dips). Decided to focus on pull up training and after 6 weeks I was able to do about 19 reps max. You might do less because of that but it's because right now you're putting more weight on your biceps and less on your back and by pulling your elbows behind your back you'll get the proper lat activation and also, by doing that you'll notice that your head ends up closer to the bar when Do you really think you can build your biceps will pull ups like you can by directly isolating them with curls? I did a ton of pull ups, like 150 per week minimum, for a year. Try lowering your reps and slowing the movement down, really focus on form and as soon as you feel your form going, stop, rest, repeat. Just as long as you have correct form and continue doing pull ups and exercising You take turns doing pull ups, each round you increase by one pull up until you get to 10, then you go back down to one. But I can still manage to lift my body weight. I think this is more common among gym bros who do Pull ups. I did this by doing GVT: 10x6 pull-ups with around 60% max, you pull up in 1 second then lower for 5. If you can perform 10 pull ups at your weight, I consider that effective muscle mass. Rest about a minute between sets. We try to work pull ups at multiple widths and grips. Firstly, how many reps is a good range to aim for when adding extra weight? Bodyweight Fitness is for redditors who like to use their own body to train, from the simple pullups, pushups, and squats to the advanced bodyweight fitness movements like the planche, one arm chin-ups, or single leg squats. But it'll build muscle super fast, both my dip and pull-up 6RMs are 90lbs now. Pull up is f*cking hard, and yes, you need to sacrifice other exercises if you want to be good at pull up. ). But when I started doing 50+ pull ups two to three times a week my total count exploded. I was wanted to do pull ups everyday to work my way up to a body weight pull up. Slight pause at the top. What really sucks is that ten years ago I was cranking them out a dozen at a time for two or three sets. I then began doing 1 pull up regularly throughout the day and already on day 2 I struggled much, much less doing 1 pull up and in the first week (within 5 days I think) I was able to do 5 pull ups. Then next time do 6 sets of 2 and 4 sets of 1. So I guess it is different for everybody. Repeat 3x. You may out may not want anchors or some sort of platform Harambe or X3 Bar style. I've also tried negative pull-ups for a while and done 10-20 sets of 2 pull-ups to increase volume, scapular pull-ups, banded etc. Once I got to 15, I would add extra sets till I was doing 100 pull ups a session, usually twice a week (usually sets of 12) Once I got above 80 pull ups, I started to add weighted pull ups, 5 x5, starting with 10 added pounds. I'm aiming to get to 100, but if I can't get there in a workout I take off the weight and do normal pull ups. For added reference: lat pull down 130 or 140 depending on the day x about 6 reps. Expensive, but seems like it'll last a lifetime My max solid, all the way down pull-ups at the beginning of this was 4. Amongst the Calisthenics and gymnastics community the difference is common knowledge. Have a 50lb vest and its really comfortable surprisingly. Negative pull-ups are fantastic, but there are other versions of scaled pull-ups and you never know which will lead you to your breakthrough. Med Sci Sports Exerc26: S20, 1994. 12. I was basically trying Scooby's progression, except I wasn't strong/light enough to do 8 good negatives, so I did 5. then an L-sit with 45 degree bent legs) until you can eventually do the L-sit pull up. ' Hi guys, I’ve just decided to property work on my pull-up game. To really help boost your max, you'll want to use pull ups as a warm up on back day. My setup is weird cause I never do pull-ups in the gym. The trick to doing more pull/chin ups is to do more pull/chin ups. Normally I would reach failure before my last set going up (so around the 13 or 14 rep set), at which point I would rest ~5 to 10 seconds and try to get the last reps out. It's easier than the standard pull-up, so you should be able to do multiple reps. I’ve done calisthenics before but pull-ups have always been my weak spot. Or negatives rather than kipping pull ups. Around 20, depending on the day. If you max pull-ups is 1-3, you are strong enough to do pull-ups but not proficient in them. I train them 2-3 times a week and have tried many things: I can easily do over 20 reps of Australian pull-ups, decline inverted rows, clean reps of jackknife pull-ups. I had not really been training intensely for it,but rather during my pull up /back workout towards the end I got it seemingly out of the blue. The reason why pull-ups might maintain chin-ups better than vice-versa is because there is a less of a gap in activation of the lats between the two lifts than there is the biceps - which help out a fair bit more on chin-ups. First exercise of pull day 2. I went back to the pull-ups bar and couldn’t even pull my self up for the second time. Good 2-3 second eccentric. I set a goal for myself yesterday to do 1000 push ups this month (as opposed to my normal 0) and am currently at 110, doing them in reps of 10. I'm back to 5 per set now. Users share their experiences and tips on how many pull ups they should be doing and how to improve their form and strength. Each day I increased the reps. . I'm not an expert at all, but for me I'm adjusting to like 1 pull-up matched with 2 push-ups. I did 7 sets of following exercise: 7 Pull up 7 Dip on parallel bars 7 Chin Up 7 Pronate Grip Straight Bar Dip Using the weightlifter's principle, you can skip to your "sweet spot" weight much faster by aiming for ~80% of your 1 rep max weight instead of incrementing up 1kg at a time: While fresh, test, by doing as many good form reps as you can using 80% of your estimated 1 rep max. I train pullups once per week now. 5. Pretty much the only form of pull-ups I can do is super slow negatives on the hangboard where I combine 7 second hangs with negative pull-ups. 1-2 sets of max then work your lats (upper and lower), rear delts, lower traps I was watching a video of the James Vega pull-up challenge and it made me laugh a lot. I wasn't making any progress with 10 pounds on the assist machine. The more you train pull-ups the more you will realize how 12-20 pull-ups is still tapping into strength. I can’t do a single pull up without band assistance. I think people perceive 20+ pull ups as a form of endurance but it's still a strength exercise and training for low reps, high weight will carry over to higher reps, low weight to some extent. If you're over 180lb the standards get lower cause it's harder to move that much mass Although he's doing chin ups at first (technically a pull up) which are easier than palms away pull ups. That’s the full range of motion exercise. I did australian pull ups/rows EVERY day I trained pull ups aswell. See different opinions, advice, and programs on r/bodyweightfitness subreddit. I was doing 3 sets of 30 pull ups twice a week and thought it would be a good idea to switch to weighted pull ups instead. I also found doing a couple of sets of light high rep (30 - 50) bicep curls after any type of pulling movement to really help the elbows feel better afterwards. Although i do think i have the strength for it. Realistically from what I’ve read the best way to do pull ups is to do pull-ups (I know that isn’t a helpful answer without the context above but it really seems to be true~ mostly bcz of core development from what I can tell) That being said truely applause for doing the 1. 18 votes, 25 comments. As slow as you can go. People are so sensitive over nothing. I've been doing calisthenics for around 1 year and have gotten my pull up max to 18 reps (15 with good form, the last three… I would alternate starting the routine with 10,8,6 weighted pull ups, OR 3 sets of pull ups to failure (2 mins rest). (1 pull up, 3 push ups, 2 pull ups, 6 push ups, 3 pull ups, 9 push ups, 4 pull ups, 12 push ups, 3 pull ups, 9 push ups, 2 pull ups, 6 push ups, 1 pull up, 3 push ups)x5 Max set of pull ups w/o weight vest (at least 15) rest 2-3 min Sets 11-15 w/o weight vest 2 min rest in between sets Many people seem to be fascinated by pull ups, but they are a lift like anything else. The next day I try to do a muscle up but fail so I then go and do a set of heavy weighted pullups, wait a minute and try to do a muscle up again. 3x 3-5 rep range with 8/8. Get to 10 unbroken, then you will be a lot closer to chest to bar pull-ups. When it's my turn again, I do two, they do two. Do assisted pull-ups, jumping pull-ups, chin-ups, rows (weights, bar, or rings), rig holds (just hanging from a bar), and other variations and progressions. 5 pull-ups, 7 chin-ups. Chin-ups are so much easier, but obviously they mainly use different muscles. We can also both do 1 pull-up with added 16kg (I am 7kg/15lbs lighter now). I can do the rigs, monkey bars, twister, etc all at a straight arm with good swinging/kipping and technique and never have to do a full pullup on the obstacle. Felt pretty good about myself that day! If you do pull-ups on rings they pretty much automatically turn into chin-ups at the top and if you let go in the bottom your body assumes the pull-up starting position automatically as well. But the problem I see so many people are afraid to leave other exercises and focus on ONLY pull up. I did some everyday for the first 6 weeks or so and then just did them during the work week. Only downside is pull ups or other overhead exercises or lying on the back ones are limited, due to the vest's shape. When I started, I couldn't do a single one lol. qye vsaczl zbym kme sjgskww tlqkx dafh fvwp opdgfh mcxwwe