Solaris scan for new disks . Managing disks in the Oracle Solaris OS usually involves setting up the system and running the Oracle Solaris installation program to create the appropriate disk slices and file systems and to install the Oracle Solaris OS. The storage device is IBM ESS mode 800. 9 and 10 can do this. Where x is FC adapter number. Each file system on a disk is assigned to a slice, which is a group of sectors set aside for use by that file system. Once you see the new lun, make sure that multiple FC paths are enabled to that. you will need to follow this with the idisk or tape command to build the /dev # cfgadm -al Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition c1 scsi-sas connected configured unknown c1::dsk/c1t0d0 CD-ROM connected configured unknown c2 scsi-sas connected configured unknown c2::w5000cca0162922a1,0 disk-path connected configured unknown c3 scsi-sas connected configured unknown c3::w5000cca0162b81b5,0 disk-path connected configured Sep 24, 2015 · While on Solaris 10 update 9 & update 10, it was working fine. For information about relabeling a disk that is intended for the root pool, see How to Label a Disk in Oracle Solaris 11. Use the "Software 1 of 2" CD. ” luxadm display /dev/rdsk/c1txxxxxxd0s2″ – To verify the FC lun details and multipathing. The book covers a range of Oracle Solaris system administration topics related to managing removable media, disks and devices, file systems, and backing up and restoring data. Follow the luxadm prompts, and insert the replacement disk when instructed. The command format is as follows: root@solaris:~# cfgadm -al Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition c2 scsi-sas connected configured unknown c2::dsk/c2t0d0 disk connected configured unknown c2::dsk/c2t1d0 disk connected configured unknown c2::dsk/c2t2d0 disk connected configured unknown c2::dsk Man zpool-attach and zpool-detach for details. Logical device names are used to access disk devices when you perform the following tasks: Add a new disk to the system. Jan 1, 2021 · If still you are not able to see the new FC/SAN LUNS ,then reboot the server and try. The vxdiskconfig utility scans and configures new disk devices attached to the host, disk devices that become online, or Fibre Channel devices that are zoned to host bus adapters connected to this host. # cfgadm -x sata_port_activate AP_ID # cfgadm -c configure AP_ID To perform some tests, such as OS disk mirroring, I removed the first disk and added a new disk to the same port. I'm running 11. I'm looking for a similar command in ZFS which will easily show what what disks are free. The following example shows that disk c2t3d0 is formatted. 00# vxdisk scandisks. 0-noarch:core-3. Please refer to system log for details. 2- Creating an fdisk partition. Back up a local file system. Mar 24, 2014 · 3. 1 Getting a New Disk into Solaris Once VxVM has been successfully installed and configured the command vxdisk list shows all disks attached to the system and known to VxVM. So you could go 1 disk, 2 disks, 3 disks, adding as you go in a big "JBOD" sort of setup. Update sd. Ensure that the disk you are adding has a different target number than the other devices on the Configuring Solaris Systems to See the SAN Disks. 54, MPT Version 2. Unfortunately, the disk preparation has to be done manually. Apr 25, 2012 · {0} ok select scsi0 {0} ok show-volumes No volumes to show {0} ok show-children FCode Version 1. Jan 4, 2024 · If you have not yet started removing LUNs and/or Targets from Solaris go to following document first: Best Practice "Before" Removing LUN(s) and/or Target(s) From a Solaris Server (Doc ID 1639048. If you create an fdisk partition, then you must label the disk before continuing. And Solaris uses ZFS as filesystem, recommended without hardware RAID. In Oracle Solaris 11. This command can also re-scan for LUNs. For Solaris 8 or 9, do not use the Installation CD. This is useful when hot-swapping or adding disks to the system, as the operating system needs to recognize and assign proper device files to the newly added disks. Problem: In the script I use cfgadm to connect + configure and later unconfigure + disconnect the disks. I attached new disk to allocate it to the swap space. conf. Thus, if the disk to be configured contains Oracle Solaris, then you must boot from a different media. Use case 1: Scan for new disks. 1. Proxmox Host & NAS. Then, start the system. Add the disk to a system running the Solaris release that supports the EFI disk label. Become superuser on the node. Move a disk from one system to another system. Code: Aug 5, 2020 · When adding new disks to a InfoScale configuration, separate scans are required by the operating system (OS) and by the InfoScale application. Topics are described for both SPARC and x86 based systems, where appropriate. When a domain with virtual disks is running the Oracle Solaris OS, each virtual disk appears in the domain as a c0dn disk device, where n is the device number of the virtual disk. Many administration commands take arguments that refer to a disk slice or file system. Or you could start with 1 disk and add a 2nd disk as a mirror later (no more storage). So the backup should start right after insertion of the disk. do this #ioscan 2. How to Add a SAN Device. 1 Administration: Devices and File Systems. // first show all attached targets bash-3. Run the “rescan-scsi-bus. Create a new pool, but give it a different name. 2 Systems . Using ASM on any SOLARIS platform and not using a volume manager to manage the disks. I suspect ldom in question has been modified (added disks) without a save on SP. 2. I have a live system which run on RHEL 6. Example: We are adding two new disks aka LUN and we will see how to add disk to LDOM to understand the entire process. The problem is the disks are not discovered when the instance is started. The problem is : how to recognise the newly attached disk? I've one more requirement -:wall:- i want to run dns service on another port number. Access or mount a file system residing on a local disk. 5" disk for a x4200 and put it in. Under this circumstances, the disks are identified under path /dev/rdsk. For example: Previous Solaris versions (before Solaris 9) required a reconfiguration reboot to scan and detect devices that were added to the configuration (at least with those fibre channel host bus adapters (HBAs) and drivers which -e. sh” can be used to scan new LUNs in a CentOS/RHEL machine. zfs snapshot -r oldpool@now; zfs send -R oldpool@now | zfs recv newpool Oct 1, 2020 · c – returns to the Solaris OS; s – forces synchronization (sync) of the filesystem, resulting in a core dump; r – resets the domain and reboots to the Solaris OS if the auto-boot? option is set to true, or stops at the ok prompt if the auto-boot? option is set to false. The document provides instructions for scanning FC/SAN LUNs and local SCSI disks in the Solaris operating system. Confirm that the replacement (new) disk has an SMI (VTOC) label and a slice 0. So I used the cfgadm command to recognize the new disk. The df command now reports disk space in 512-byte blocks instead of kilobytes, but the -k option can be used to report disk space in kilobytes. sh -i’ is run, script execute as well a LIP_RESET (ISSUE_LIP) which may cause a disruption in I/O on the server and even cause an outage in case of a system running on heavy load. you can try this aswell Chapter 4 Managing Disks in Oracle Solaris; Disk Management Features; Installing on Large Disks; Using Whole Disks for a ZFS Root Pool Disk or Disks; Using Advanced Format Disks; iSNS Support in the Solaris iSCSI Target and Initiator; Identifying Devices by Physical Locations; Concepts and Terminology; EFI (GPT) Disk Label; About Disk Slices or Sep 17, 2012 · hi!:) i got a problem. Disconnect the damaged system disk from the system. The book covers a range of Oracle Solaris system administration topics related to managing removable media, disks and devices and file systems. The SunOS release 5. Scan scsi bus so Solaris can see Jul 4, 2020 · Step 1: Make Solaris recognize the new hard disk. Become an administrator. But this library isn't available in Solaris platforms, and so there aren't any libraries similar to that. After adding the Hard-disk to the Virtual Machine hardware setting. So after adding the new disk as root on the Text in this file “my theory is” can mess finding new LUNs in Solaris 10. I've tried cfgadm -al / cfgadm -f -c configure c0 + cfgadm -f -c configure c1, devfsadm -Cv as suggested by Google results, but these commands didn't seem to work Does anyone know any other way for Solaris 10 to scan/rescan for newly added FC disks? This doesn't sound like a programming question To identify disks, launch the Format utility by issuing the format command. Aug 30, 2013 · This article will help you to scan FC and local disks on fly using commands. 00 Target 9 Unit 0 Disk HITACHI H103030SCSUN300G A2A8 585937500 Blocks, 300 GB SASDeviceName 5000cca01533fcb4 SASAddress 5000cca01533fcb5 PhyNum 0 Target a Unit 0 Disk HITACHI H103030SCSUN300G A2A8 1. Once detected you can add it to your storage pool. Thanks Feb 2, 2024 · These disks will be labeled "Disk 1" through however many disks you have. 10 and is in a san environment I have access to a 20gb lun, how do I discover it (and is a reboot required) when discovered how do I configure it as a whole disk mount point (1 Reply) Physically connect the replacement disk. The command displays the disks in the system, as shown in the following example. Connect the storage device to the system. Feb 13, 2022 · Description: In this blog, we are going to see step by step process for adding a disk in ASM disk group. 1 U7, trying to figure out how to add new hard drives and have them show up in the storage GUI without rebooting. Scanning can be performed in two ways. If the system boots from the new disk, detach the old disk. bash-3. This disk space is immediately available to all datasets in the pool. Configure the disk devices for the Oracle ASM software to use. The command calls platform-specific interfaces to configure new disk devices and brings May 22, 2023 · A) The present document shows an example about how to identify and map the real physical raw device on Solaris used as ASM member or candidate disk on RAC or Standalone configurations. Symantec recommending to use the above command to scan new disks. Minimum two FC paths required for SAN disks. :wall::wall: i got several disks in my diskarray. 0-noarch:core-2. This article provides information about the commands and procedures that may be used to scan for disks. 1, SPARC based systems with GPT enabled firmware and most x86 based systems are installed with an EFI (GPT) label on the root pool disk or disks. Move the volumes to the target disks. 0-x86_64:core-3. Files stored on a disk are contained in file systems. # zpool detach rpool c2t0d0s0; Set up the system to boot automatically from the new disk, either by using the eeprom command or the setenv Disk label improvements – If the disk label or labels that are intended to contain the OS are unknown, the disks will be automatically relabeled with the appropriate disk label. When rebooting you might see a warning from ‘devid register’ that device ids has changed in case you need to reorder the disks in the BIOS to be able to change boot device. Verify that you can boot from the new disk. So when you use SUN-branded HBA you can run "cfgadm" to rescan the scsi-chains and see new devices This book is for anyone who is responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris operating system (OS). Solution Nov 14, 2017 · I'm having a little issue. Sep 9, 2011 · In Linux is quite easy to mark disks for ASM use, because of asmlib library asmlib that helps to label the disk for asm candidate recognision. Present, and scan, the disks (LUNs) from the storage array 3. Now just verify the /var/log/messages you could see some messages that the new disk is available in os. After powering up the system, hold down the Stop key (on some Suns, this is labeled L1), and hit the A key to enter the boot monitor. Just same these disk were, I remember doing this in the past, working. 10 does not need this. Dec 4, 2018 · However, this command did not recognize the new disk in Solaris 10 x86 on VirtualBox. By default, ID values are automatically generated, so set this property if you need to match an existing device name in the OS. Solution The diskinfo command, a new disk and slot identification utility, was introduced in Oracle Solaris 10 8/11 OS and in the kernel patch 144500-19 (or later). 7 (VM) and have VMware 6. The book covers a broad range of Solaris system administration topics such as managing user accounts, diskless clients, booting a system, using the Service Management Facility (SMF), and managing software and patches. When ‘rescan-scsi-bus. For more information about booting Oracle Solaris systems, see topics on booting from a local media or from the network in Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11. B) On Solaris configurations, ASM has several options to access the real raw/character devices presented as candidate/member disks. As you will notice Solaris uses its shell which is abit different than you average Linux Shell “bash”. For more information about booting Oracle Solaris systems, see the topics on booting from a local media or from the network in Booting and Shutting Down Oracle Solaris 11. Automatically Installing Oracle Solaris 11. Learn more about Labs. I also installed 2 - 2Gigs qlogic fiber cards & the corresponding pkges for the cards. A command you can use to accomplish this is devfsadm. In previous releases, you also had to use an EFI label for a disk that is larger than 1 TB. Once the disk is presented to LDOM it acts as a normal disk assigned to the standard Solaris environment. Once the disk has been physically installed, the system should recognize a new device on the SCSI bus. For detailed information on using the format utility, see Chapter 16, The format Utility (Reference). Adding Disks under Solaris. Jul 18, 2009 · A s a system admin, I need to use additional hard drives for to provide more storage space or to separate system data from user data. Sigh. Verify the new devices: ioscan -funC <disk|tape> AIX. The disk structure in Solaris is different from operating systems like Ubuntu, RedHat, so there are no sda, sba, sda1 disk formatting here for new users. For QLogic: echo scsi-qlascan > /proc/scsi/qla<model#>/<adapter instance> For Emulex: sh force_lpfc_scan. About Disk Slices. (2 Replies) Aug 24, 2013 · Solaris Important Files; Veritas Volume Manager; Solaris Unlimited: Root Mirroring – Solaris Volume How To Update Kernel Patch in Solaris. Dec 17, 2024 · Motivation: The motivation to use this command is to scan the system for any newly added disks and create the corresponding device files in the /dev directory. Add the disks from the target storage array into the same diskgroup as the disks from the source array 6. It will also explain that how to reset the HBA using luxadm command. When Adding a New Disk. Solaris OK Prompt Commands (cheat sheet) show-disks-> To show the disks This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris 11 release. My result: No new disks. Specify disk (enter its number): 0; Verify that the disk you chose is formatted by noting the following message: [disk formatted] Example 11-2 Determining if a Disk Is Formatted. rootdisk has a device number of 0 (disk@0) and appears in the domain as the disk Aug 30, 2018 · In Linux, we can scan for new SCSI disks’ LUN or FC LUNs in real time without rebooting the server. vi /kernel/drv/sd. Oct 24, 2013 · I just installed IBMsdd on Solaris diver along with the patches recommended. Sep 25, 2019 · Perhaps you are logged in onto a non-global zone with limited privileges and without assigned disks. 1 software on supported servers, blades, and server modules. Try zpool status to find out how the ZFS pool is configured. (2 Replies) Dec 8, 2014 · zpool status -v pool: pve-zfs-00 state: ONLINE scan: scrub repaired 0B in 00:00:00 with 0 errors on Sun Nov 13 00:24:01 2022 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM pve-zfs-00 ONLINE 0 0 0 raidz1-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 ata-MTFDDAK960TDT-1AW1ZA_02JG545D7A44710LEN_2E71DCAA ONLINE 0 0 0 ata-MTFDDAK960TDT-1AW1ZA_02JG545D7A44710LEN_2E71DCB4 ONLINE 0 0 0 ata-MTFDDAK960TDT-1AW1ZA_02JG545D7A44710LEN_2E71DC59 If you replace a secondary disk on a system, you can restore the old disk's data on the new disk. In the following example, the ldg1 domain has two virtual disks: rootdisk and pdisk. For information about relabeling a disk that is intended for the root pool, see How to Label a Disk in Oracle Solaris Administration: Devices and File Systems. You might want to do a manual rebalance operation to control the speed of what would otherwise be an… Oct 5, 2015 · The easy way, from my point of view, would be provide a new disk to your Solaris VM, a bigger one, label it accordingly (create similar Solaris partition for most of the disk), place loader on it (the procedure for Solaris 10 is described elsewehere) and attach it to the existing disk. The following example procedure shows the commands and sample output to configure the SCAN name and port. Dynamic Multi-Pathing (DMP) supports partial device discovery where you can include or exclude paths to a physical disk from the discovery process. Perform this procedure on each node of the cluster. as long as we added a new disk, we could immediately see it in "format" (or after a small "devfsadm -c disks"). Each disk slice appears to the Solaris OS (and to the system Aug 5, 2020 · 2. Simply execute it as follows: This will perform a complete scan of dev devices and detect the new drive you put in. Jul 20, 2012 · Prepare a second disk for attachment to the root pool, if necessary. Run the following command to scan for the new disk and update the system: May 14, 2021 · In this demonstration (2nd of 2 in this tutorial, Certified Solaris System Administrator MIck Hosegood demonstrates how to add a second disk to a kernel zone Sep 22, 2009 · Disk replacement, Maintenance, Operational activity, SDS, Solaris SUN Operating System Disk Replacement Procedure Even though it seems to be a easy task to replace the OS Disk there are often issues on the correct Apr 3, 2013 · For example in Veritas Volume manager, I can run a "vxdisk list" and disks that are marked as "online invalid" are disk that are not used. How do I move the disk containing Solaris from the ATAPI primary master controller to the secondary controller or slave connector (or both)? Move the disk with Solaris to the new location (secondary master controller or primary or secondary slave controller). If necessary, apply LUN masking for HBA control on the SAN device. When we booted our Solaris server, the /opt file system was unmounted with the error: Aug 17, 2019 · We are more focused here on the procedure at the CDOM server which we need to perform to how to add disk to LDOM. Is there a way to make the new disk available for the "/" folder? Is my only option to create a new zpool and mount it under a new folder? Mar 3, 2009 · I got two 2. 3- Partitioning the fdisk partition. sh” script to detect new disks. On the update 11, nothing. When those familiar with the Linux operating system variants want to see unformatted or formatted disks 1. 3. Option 1: Incorporating Disks into VxVM Easy Sailing Vx 3. This step is only necessary if you attach a new disk to replace a failed disk or a smaller disk. Labels: unix. How can I tell the system to rescan the disk so it identifies the correct disk size? (I'd like it to probe the correct size so I can eventually expand my zpool. This procedure needs to be performed on each of the systems connected to the storage area network (SAN) created by the minnow systems. 1 solaris Disk handling 3. 30GB. This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris 10 release. 2) Scan your disks, and it should show up as a new disk when you run “format”. 1 ) Dec 19, 2019 · Step 2:Check metadb and remove db replicas which related to failed disk. Step 7:Update device ID in SVM database; Step 8:Create new metadevice The vxdiskconfig utility scans and configures new disk devices attached to the host, disk devices that become online, or Fibre Channel devices that are zoned to host bus adapters connected to this host. #lspv #lspv|wc -l HP-UX: 1. # mkfile 100m /tank/fs/foo # df -h /tank/fs Filesystem size used avail capacity Mounted on tank/fs 80G 100M 80G 1% /tank/fs May 14, 2023 · Oracle Solaris on SPARC (64-bit) Solaris Operating System (SPARC 64-bit) Symptoms. Jun 29, 2009 · Solaris 8 user can use the command as follows: cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev c2 cfgadm -al -o show_FCP_dev c3 This is useful when you want to configure LUNs on a Solaris UNIX box. When I pull out the disk I see this in the logs: You can dynamically add disk space to a pool by adding a new top-level virtual device. 2"). In the end the article, we also how to add the ISCSI targets in Solaris 11 servers (ISCSI initiator). (2 Replies) Dec 17, 2024 · Prerequisite before Patching: ===== Login to Router using Shell/mysql or Workbench: Get the status of the cluster details such as Cluster Name and Current Primary and Version, etc May 1, 2017 · ZFS instances cannot be resized, so you must recreate the pool on larger disks to enlarge it. When you replace a disk in the system you will need to scan for the new disk. Rescanning SCSI bus on Linux with the below procedure will add/freshen devices but not remove them. Jun 14, 2005 · How to configure just newly added disks in Solaris 10? It's really simple. Rebalance ASM Disks: Oracle ASM automatically rebalances disk groups when their configuration changes. The OS should be able to display a working disk label for all device paths If not, ensure the disk has a valid disk label using the format utility. #lspv #lspv|wc -l 2. ) Dec 17, 2024 · The command is primarily used to detect new hardware, clean up obsolete device entries, or simulate changes to /dev without making actual modifications. 4- Creating Nov 26, 2014 · I just installed IBMsdd on Solaris diver along with the patches recommended. Now when I put in the disk and run 'devfsadm' and also check with 'cfgadm -a', that disk doesn't seem to show up. 17. 00# cfgadm -al Ap_Id The device management in Solaris is enhanced by using the devfsadmd daemon with Solaris 7 (Release 11/99) and newer major versions like Solaris 8. This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris 11 release. See Using Oracle ASM in Oracle Solaris Cluster Data Service for Oracle Real Application Clusters Guide for information about how to configure Oracle ASM. The command format is as follows: root@S113:~# cfgadm -al Ap_Id Type Receptacle Occupant Condition c2 scsi-sas connected configured unknown c2::dsk/c2t0d0 disk connected configured unknown c2::dsk/c2t1d0 disk connected configured unknown c2::dsk/c2t2d0 disk connected configured unknown c2::dsk Nov 25, 2020 · The “rescan-scsi-bus. After Solaris 9, this should not be needed. Also, the -t option behaves differently; formerly, it restricted the output to file systems of a specified type (for example, "nfs" or "4. The new ZFS file system, tank/fs, can use available disk space as needed, and is automatically mounted at /tank/fs. Set up the permissions for the Oracle ASM disks to be used by Oracle ASM disk Oracle Solaris 11: In previous Solaris releases, you could not install and boot the Solaris OS from a disk that was greater than 1 TB in size. Run the following luxadm command when you are ready to insert the replacement disk: # luxadm insert_device array_name,slot_number. The virtual device that you add should have the same level of redundancy as the existing virtual device. Feb 23, 2009 · Since I tried both John's solution and Pierre-Luc solution, what works for me is: list all the zone (from the global zone): tcsh>zoneadm list -civ ID NAME STATUS PATH BRAND IP 0 global running / native shared 1 myZone1 running /export/zones/myZone1 native shared 2 myZone2 running /export/zones/myZone2 native shared Follow the luxadm prompts, and pull out the disk when instructed. Configure a SCAN Consider a disk queue holding requests to the following cylinders in the listed order: 116, 22, 3, 11, 75, 185, 100, 87. Oct 6, 2021 · NOTE: Once the newly presented disk is visible to the host, ensure it has a valid Solaris disk label, using the prtvtoc command. If the new disks are still not detected, the document recommends resetting the HBA using luxadm forcelip as a last option. I have tried all things like : cfgadm -al; devfsadm; devfsadm -c disks; drvconfig; disks; svcadm enable hotplug ; etc. How easy is it to increase my pool size later on with new disks? And for the three parity drive RAID, should I go for more disks with smaller capacity, rather than fewer but large disks? This will reduce disk problems if I ever need to rebuild the RAID? Remember to change the first boot device in the BIOS to use the new disk (or one of the new disk(s)). Zpool remove tank disk will pull out disk from the pool, so you can add it later to a new mirror vdev. Now execute the below commands to scan the new lun/disk. The vxdiskconfig utility scans and configures new disk devices attached to the host, disk devices that become online, or fibre channel devices that are zoned to host bus adapters connected to this host. © 2015-2025 Pure Storage® (“Pure”), Portworx® and associated its trademarks can be found here as and its virtual patent marking program can be found here. 4 Systems . You can acheive that Chapter 4 Managing Disks in Oracle Solaris; Disk Management Features; Installing on Large Disks; Using Whole Disks for a ZFS Root Pool Disk or Disks; Using Advanced Format Disks; iSNS Support in the Solaris iSCSI Target and Initiator; Identifying Devices by Physical Locations; Concepts and Terminology; EFI (GPT) Disk Label; About Disk Slices or Scan for new disks AIX: AIX# cfgmgr Solaris# devfsadm Solaris# cfgadm -a Solaris# format (to view new devices) Posted by abu maryam at 1:07 AM. X570D4U-2L2T R9 3900X (Was building a new PC when the R9-5900X came out and snagged one instead, so built this around the extra proc I already had) Artic Liquid II 240 Sep 14, 2007 · The brand-new leadville driver allows an "hot" rescan of the luns (since it will talk to the also-brand-new SSD device driver in the kernel). This procedure assumes that the system is shut down. 1. Once resilver is done (check with zpool status), use fdisk to create a grub partition at the very beginning of the disk, and run grub-install to make the new disk bootable. Attach the new disk to the root pool. Nov 27, 2014 · I just installed IBMsdd on Solaris diver along with the patches recommended. Instruct Solaris to re-read sd. New Machine # zpool import // to search for the pool # zpool import <poolname> Any other steps I should take? New build specs for the curious. If you do not have access to the OS, for example, if the server module is not booted, see Correlate WWN Device Names With Physical Locations (probe-scsi-all Command). Apr 15, 2019 · After adding a new Hard disk to the virtual machine, now run the following commands to expand the disk space in the physical volume of the Operating System without rebooting the virtual machine by Re-scanning the SCSI Bus and then adding SCSI Device. If new devices are not found, try resetting the HBA using luxadm forcelip or rebooting as a last option. Add new LUN IDs created on Hitachi. ) re-scan the new LUNs attached. In this Solaris release, you can install and boot the Solaris OS from a disk that is up to 2 TB in size. The command calls platform specific interfaces to configure new disk devices and brings them under control of the operating system. Note: Solaris needs to properly see a LUN before a particular application software, such as, multipathing or back up software, can use the LUN. Attaching a new disk (or LUN, You can't add another disk to a vdev (except as a mirror), but you could add a 2nd vdev, or you could add 2 new disks later as a mirrored pair in a vdev. The issue is, the other group tried to extend the capacity of an Jan 28, 2019 · How to add a new disk in Solaris 10 & scan it ? Adding/scanning scsi bus devices on a running Solaris/Linux system. Scan each FC host & SCSI host device using /sys class file. 5 (which is not managed by our group). Initialize the new disks 5. Do something like this: Install the new disks. 00, Firmware Version 5. For more information about the SCAN, see Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation Guide 11g Release 2 (11. I hotswapped the disk with a new 2. Is this possible? I feel like there used to be a scan for disks button or something but can't seem to find anything. Jul 7, 2010 · If you need more detailed instructions, here are some potentially useful posts: How to Zone a Brocade SAN Switch and How to Zone IBM DS4000 SAN Disks. I could see my new 5Gb (/dev/sdc) disk in the fdisk command now. 8 will failed. You can also use the format utility to verify that a disk is known to the system. Aug 16, 2023 · VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-19179 Disk group datadg: import failed: No valid disk found containing disk group. Enter the number corresponding to the disk that you want to use. Try virtinfo to see current mode. Oracle Solaris fdisk partitions must start at cylinder 1, not cylinder 0. Occasionally, you might need to use the format utility to add a new disk drive or replace a defective disk drive. 4 Systems; Running AI on Clients by Using an AI Server; SPARC: Defining Boot Disks on Clients; How To Set the Boot Disk From OBP Sep 7, 2011 · Get early access and see previews of new features. Use the format utility to discover the types of disks that are connected to a system. The command calls platform-specific interfaces to configure new disk devices and brings them under control of the operating system. Step 3:Add new disk then scan to identify the new disk; Step 4:Create Vtoc table for the new disk; Step 5:Add new disk to Metadb; Step 6:Install boot block on ” 0″ slice of the new disk. If I only insert the disk and it spins up, I have no way of knowing that the disk is there. Create the LUNs desired on the SAN device. Topics are described for both SPARC and x86 disk #1 is used for rpool, which is the root pool I want to add disk #2 to increase the size available for the already mounted folders, but I can't add the disk to the existing rpool because its the root-pool. Introduction (Back to top) This article contains a procedure for migrating data to a This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris 10 release. Once that is done, just detach old disk from the pool. Sep 2, 2020 · Once the storage team has mapped the new LUN’s with the Linux host, new LUN can be discovered by scanning the storage LUN ID at the host end. What command can I use to scan this LUN disks from my Soalris servers. 00. check the new lun/disk added to the box with the help of new outputs of the following compared with the old output. Use the fdisk command to create an Oracle Solaris partition on the disk if one does not already exist. update_drv -f sd. Jun 5, 2023 · Partial device discovery. Key commands include cfgadm -al to check for new devices, devfsadm -c disk to create device files, and commands like luxadm and format to verify new LUNs. Jan 23, 2015 · Here we will see how to configure Solaris 11 as ISCSI storage server and creating new ISCSI targets for network access. Verify the new devices: lsdev -Cc <disk|tape> Linux. # format -e <c#t#d#> The disk can be labelled as SMI or EFI # ldm add-vdisk [timeout=seconds] [id=disk-id] disk-name volume-name@service-name ldom You can specify an ID of a new virtual disk device by setting the id property. With hot swapable devices becoming more of the norm, you need a few handy commands to kick the OS in to doing this. The rescan in Linux is HBA-specific. Solaris doen't seem to be seeing this disks presented on it. 2) for Solaris Operating System. Rescan the devices ): cfgmgr -vl fcsx. g - Fujitsu Siemens Computers had released in their servers, and which were also frequently used for Sun servers). To scan new FC LUNs and SCSI disks in Solaris, use the cfgadm command along with devfsadm to refresh the device files. sh lpfc<adapter Nov 23, 2013 · add disk, increase filesystem, increase partition, Linux, LVM, RedHat / CentOS, Ubuntu / Debian, VMWare Particularly under VMware you may just add a new disk to linux without the need to reboot the whole thingy. Use zpool attach tank existing-disk new-disk to add a disk to an existing disk in the pool,so it becomes a mirror if it was a single disk vdev, or a three disk mirror if it already was a two disk mirror. Type the number of the disk that you want to check. rootdisk has a device number of 0 (disk@0) and appears in the domain as the disk device Dec 19, 2006 · I just installed IBMsdd on Solaris diver along with the patches recommended. When adding a new disk to your Linux system you need to rescan SCSI host. Scan the new disks 4. Using the SCAN scheduling algorithm, what is the order that the requests are serviced, assuming the disk head is at cylinder 88 and moving upward through the cylinders? 100 - 116 - 185 - 3 - 11 - 22 - 75 87 87 - 75 - 100 - 116 - 185 - 22 - 11 - 3 100 - 116 - 185 - 87 - 75 This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris 11 release. 0 TB disk, yet iostat still says the same thing — Size: 1500. Redhat says this type of scan… Apr 16, 2015 · Hello; experienced with HPUX/Linux, but new to Solaris, in particular my newly inherited SunOS 5. This daemon of capable of dynamically reconfiguring devices during boot process as well as in response to kernel event notifications. Use /dev/disk/by-id/ identifier for your disk instead of just sda. Solaris# devfsadm Solaris# format. You can use Oracle ASM on Solaris Volume Manager. Make sure you are taking the below output before scan for new lun/disk. Provides an overview of Oracle Solaris I/O multipathing features and describes how to configure Oracle Solaris iSCSI initiator, Fibre Channel over Ethernet (FCoE) ports, storage area network (SAN) devices, and serial-attached SCSI (SAS) domains. ) reset the FC or SCSI bus and then II. 1 Administration Guide provides detailed information and procedures that describe the overview, security considerations, installation, configuration, modification, virtual disk usage, and execution of common tasks for the Logical Domains Manager 1. SPARC: Confirm that the replacement (new) disk has an SMI (VTOC) label and a slice 0. Run the cfgadm command to query all configurable hardware. #cfgmgr 3. 0-x86_64" I use the following command to scan the SCSI bus root@linux:~ # echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0 What is recommended procedure for removing a disk from the system? I need to remove a disk on a running system, what are the required steps to do so to prevent needing a reboot Is it possible to add or remove a SCSI device without rebooting a running system? Can you scan a SCSI bus for new or missing SCSI devices without rebooting? How can I make newly connected SCSI storage devices available Thus, if the disk to be configured contains Oracle Solaris, then you must boot from a different media. A numbered list of disks is displayed. Recovery SMF depository in Solaris 10; How to reduce the Security risk in Solaris; Solaris administrator Day to Day activities; Jump start installation step by step on Solaris 10; SVM Failed disk Apr 9, 2020 · Scan and discover locally attached tape drives: tpautoconf -t; Scan and discover locally attached robotic devices (via SCSI and SAN): tpautoconf -r; Scan all locally attached devices: scan (or sgscan - Solaris only) Scan and provide detailed robotic inquiry (for locally attached robot): scan -changer This book is for anyone responsible for administering one or more systems that run the Oracle Solaris 10 release. Similar to the below output: Now you can run the ‘fdisk –l |grep –i disk’ command to confirm that the new disk is available to OS. Jun 5, 2023 · Discovering and configuring newly added disk devices. This procedure, adding physical block devices to virtualized guests, describes how to add a hard drive on the host to a virtualized guest using VMWare software running Linux as guest. Therefore, we will start the bash to get benefits of auto complete :). how can i do (2 Replies) After scanning the disk in OS,Scan the disks in veritas level by using the below command. Jul 25, 2014 · Scanning for new disk in a VMware host running Suse 10 SP4 root@linux:~ # cat /etc/*release SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) VERSION = 10 PATCHLEVEL = 4 LSB_VERSION="core-2. Possible solutions I've considered already: The Logical Domains (LDoms) 1. # vxdg -c import datadg VxVM vxdg ERROR V-5-1-19179 Disk group datadg: import failed: Disk is in use by another host . Solaris: drvconfig - will go out an rescan for new hardware just like at boot time. Partition the new disks for /boot plus a larger pool area. SPARC: How to Connect a System Disk and Boot. Note: If a stale HOSTID has been detected, then use "vxdg -Cc" together. Still can't see any Mar 22, 2024 · How to manually re-scan for SAN Fibre Channel (FC) Disk (LUN) and Tape Storage devices. – Jul 21, 2015 · Please note that the rescan SCSI bus on Linux does not interrupt operating system operation nor remove any of the disks. Note: In older version we may used “vxdctl enable” or “vxconfigd -k” to scan new disks by restarting it vxvm daemon. 7 version produces a full listing with Jan 14, 2012 · This video discuss the following:1- Adding a new disk in Oracle VM VirtualBox. It details several commands to verify HBA and FC connectivity, scan for new LUNs by using cfgadm and devfsadm, and check for newly available disks. For this we need to I. I know I can use the "zpool status" which will show me what disks are being used by the pools. Windows assigns a number to all hard disks, solid state disks, USB drives, and card readers, so don't be surprised if you have to scroll down a bit—in our case the new drive was "Disk 10" as seen below. Oct 22, 2018 · This will tell us if those devices are present in VDS and in LDOM and what is the current configuration saved to SP. # zpool import -d /dev/dsk/c2t3d0s0 dpool # zpool status dpool pool: dpool state: ONLINE scan: resilvered 952K in 0h0m with 0 errors on Fri Jun 29 16:22:06 2012 config: NAME STATE READ WRITE CKSUM dpool ONLINE 0 0 0 mirror-0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c2t3d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 c2t1d0 ONLINE 0 0 0 When a domain with virtual disks is running the Solaris OS, each virtual disk appears in the domain as a c0dn disk device, where n is the device number of the virtual disk. ecuncriz aevj uuxh rdcovg mgxieis ulsdmie rebu arln tmpk unoa